RoundCube Webmail On Your ISPConfig Server Within 10 Easy Steps

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by SoMBS, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. SoMBS

    SoMBS New Member

    I have followed the instructions at and the setup seems to be working fine as far as sending and receiving email. But I am having a problem when I set Personal Settings after I've logged into webmail. The problem is that after I make changes to personal settings and Save, when I log out and and back in again my settings have reverted back to previous settings (defaults?). The settings in question are Personal Indentity and Time Zone.

    I have www.domain.tld with a sub domain of webmail.domain.tld. The email user account I am using was created under www.domain.tld in ISPConfig before I set up Roundcube and is not an account created in webmail.domain.tld. This seems to be an important disctinction because when I use an email account created under webmail.domain.tld and login, make changes to settings, log out and back in again, the changes stay.

    So for instance, [email protected] can login into webmail using either [email protected] or web1_testuser and send and receive email. But after making changes to Personal Settings, the changes always revert back to original settings after next login.

    [email protected] can log in and send and receive email, make changes to Personal Settings and the changes stay after next login.

    It seems there is a disconnect between users of webmail.domain.tld and domain.tld. Might this be in the config files of roundcube? To note: When I set up mysql, I used the webmail.domain.tld myslq db (web2_u1, web2_db1). Of course, domain.tld is web1_u1 and web_db1. Maybe I have to set roundcube up to look at users from domain.tld in addtion to webmail.domain.tld?
  2. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Saving your settings

    Please have a look here:

    Maybe it helps you too.

    Some questions:
    Is domain.tld, the same domainname as the domainname in your full hostname? (Your maindomain)
    Which Linux distribution do you use and what are your MySQL and PHP versions?
    Do you find any errors within the RoundCube log files?
    Personal experience:
    I also have to say that i host a lot of different domains on my server and clients are using RoundCube, IlohaMail or Uebimiau without any problems.

    I had some problems as you described indeed, but that was with the RoundCube package provided by ISPConfig.

    Since i use RoundCube Beta2, which is setup according my "within 10 steps" howto, i do not have problems anymore. It was the reason for me to use it on my own website.

    The only thing, i do not like is that everytime i login for the first time, i have to remove @www within the e-mailaddress. But that is no big problem at all.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2006
  3. SoMBS

    SoMBS New Member

    Hans, thanks for the reply and staying with me. I hadn't looked at the posts in a few days thus the delay in responding to you.

    I have been doing some research in addition to looking at the information you posted earlier.

    To answer some of your questions:

    1. Is domain.tld, the same domainname as the domainname in your full hostname? (Your maindomain).

    If I understand your question correctly, yes my domain.tld is the same as my hostname. The hostname of my server is server1.domain.tld.

    2. Which Linux distribution do you use and what are your MySQL and PHP versions?

    I followed the Perfect guide for setting up Ubuntu's Dapper 6.06 LTS. That is the version of Linux I'm running. Per the guide MySQL 5.0 and PHP5.

    3. Do you find any errors within the RoundCube log files?

    I don't see any errors in syslog file. Looking at the errors log in /var/www/webmail.domain.tld/web/logs there are only a couple of line indicating a user authentication failed error. And one other: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in /var/www/web8/web/program/in$

    Note: I used your guide and downloaded and installed Roundcube accordingly. I am not using ISPConfig's .pkg.

    One thing I have discovered after some more testing is that it works fine when logging in with username like web1_user. What doesn't work is [email protected].

    When I login with [email protected] and go to personal settings --> identities I see email address [email protected] with display name web1_user. Any changes to this do not stick after next login.

    When I login with username and make changes they stick after next login. So, identity is display name I defined with email address [email protected].

    So all-in-all it's working ok using the username. It's not critical that I have to login with [email protected]. I can just login in with web1_user. As I hand out email accounts though it would be good to tell users to login with user@ but by the time I get there maybe a solution and/or the next beta will be out correcting some of these issues.

    I will research some more and play with settings and maybe discover something useful I can share. I'm thinking I'll set up another server and test various configurations.
  4. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Can you test this:

    Login with username (without @domain.tld) and try to set the identities.

    I mean not a username like web1_user1 but the username as created on the user and e-mail tab in ISPConfig.

    What is happening then?
    If this works, it means that a login with only the username is better then to login with [email protected].

    If this is true, i consider to change my howto at this point, which means i will not use the adapted for ispconfig anymore. In that situation only a login with the username will be possible.
    Then saving identities will work. It's a compromise.

    Let me know your experience!
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2006
  5. SoMBS

    SoMBS New Member

    Hans, as you suggested, I tried to login with the email username. Login failed. I then created a new user under domain.tld because the usernames I have been trying to login with were created before I installed Roundcube. I thought this may have been the problem. But this did not work either.
  6. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Ok then.
    I will change step 6 within my howto.
    After changing the, only login with a username without @domain.tld will be possible.

    If we do so, we do not have the "saving identities problem" anymore.
  7. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Today, i have changed my howto at URL

    With version 1.1 of my howto, i use the original file provided by Roundcube itself.
    For using RoundCube on our ISPConfig server, we only need to make some modifications to this configuration file as described at step 6 within my howto.
    To save some time, you can also download the file here.

    The result is that from now on, we only can login with the username and not with [email protected] anymore.
    The reason: to avoid the "saving identities problem".

    With the new configuration file, spell checking is enabled! :)

    Thanks for your feed back!
    Doing so, we can make things even more better!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 12, 2006
  8. Appie Thrasher

    Appie Thrasher Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Mabey stuppid question but where do I put the file after the download?

    In your howto it reads remove completley and than must I edid the same file?
    Is there an other one somewhere out there.......:p

    In the link to there he is renaming the file to Is this what I must do?

  9. Appie Thrasher

    Appie Thrasher Member HowtoForge Supporter

    DaRkNeSS again,

    Can't I use the update funcie to intergreate round cube into ISPConfig, becuase it's up the ISPConfig site?
  10. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    About ROundCube


    - You can simply replace the file within the Roundcube config directory.

    - If you setup RoundCube according my Howto, it will run on port 80, which means you can NOT make use of the update manager within ISPConfig.

    - If you want to run RoundCube on port 81, you can use the update manager indeed. In that case upload the package from URL
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2006
  11. Appie Thrasher

    Appie Thrasher Member HowtoForge Supporter

    What are the benefits of using port 80 in conjuntion to port 81?

  12. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Personaly i like the to have my webmail on port 80.
    Mostly not, but on some locations where you want to access wour webmail, port 81 is blocked. Port 80 is always available as it is the default port for the http protocol.

    You also can host your webmail in the webspace of your choice like http://webmail.yourhostingcompany.tld or http://www.yourhostingcompany.tld/webmail which means that you can easily download your site via FTP for maintenance and/or cusomizing it on your local desktop.

    Actually, your todo list is very short as the users which you create within ISPConfig for your website will have:

    -access to their mailbox via an e-mailclient like MS Outlook AND Webmail as well!

    The user marked as administrator uploads the website to URL and other users to their own webspace at URL

    For FTP-access you can use the hostname or any domainname at your server and you must know that you have to upload the files in the /web folder

    For example:

    URL for FTP: yourwebsite
    filefolder: /web
    username: name (as defined in ISPConfig)
    password: password (as defined in ISPConfig)

    I think you can do it with this info!
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2006
  13. Appie Thrasher

    Appie Thrasher Member HowtoForge Supporter

    @ Hans,

    Thanks for trying to hekp me out, Stil can't get it to work. Have tried all possible adresses as provided.
    I am now installing a vmware server to start over from scratch.

    It has nothing to do (WS-FTP) with this thread so if I will get in to problems, I now for sure;) I will post an new thread.

  14. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    You must enable FTP-access on the basis tab of your website within ISPConfig. Did you do that?
  15. Appie Thrasher

    Appie Thrasher Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Yes Have made an compleet fresh install on my server now. Have made an fresh image with ghost. So now I can try and try and............try again.
    I will get it eventualey.

  16. Appie Thrasher

    Appie Thrasher Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I am getting there. already have been able to make an conection but file uploading isn't working yet.

    Last edited: Nov 20, 2006
  17. wolfiedk

    wolfiedk New Member

    Multiserver setup?!

    Hello everyone :)

    Is it possible to setup RoundCube using your guide on this multiserver setup ?

    I would like to use webmail.domain.tld with ssl on port 443, but don´t know how to using this guide. I can´t find the package under ISPConfig -> System -> Apps & Addons -> Package for automatic install.

    Please help

    Best regards
  18. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    This thread is about ISPConfig 2, however it seems as if you're using ISPConfig 3.

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