RoundCube with ISPConfig3 help

Discussion in 'General' started by pinguinito, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. pinguinito

    pinguinito Member

    I am trying to install ROudCube in my ispconfig3.0.1.1 the only Howto is (I think) with ispconfig2 and no experiences at all; so:
    { I want set up}
    step 1 in the how to :

    Step 1 - Create a website:

    In ISPConfig, create a website via “New site” in the main menu.
    On the tab called “Basis” use webmail for the hostname and myhostingcompany.tld for the domain name.

    ispconfig3 > New site doesn't has tab called “Basis”
    How can i set up this simple step in ispconfig3???
    Creating a subdomain for ?

  2. Horfic

    Horfic Member

    1.) You create your Domain under Sites -> Website and select Fast-CGI as PHP.
    2.) Create the Subdomain under Sites -> Subdomain
    Host = webmail
    Domain = {your Domain}
    Redirect Type = L
    Redirect Path = /var/www/{your Domain without www.}/web/webmail/
    Active = Tick on
    3.) Create a FTP User for your Domain under Site -> FTP-User
    4.) Log in and create in the web folder a webmail folder.
    5.) Install roundcube in this webmail folder.
    6.) Edit the $rcmail_config['virtuser_query'] in the roundcube config file({webmail}/config/ like this.
    $rcmail_config['virtuser_query'] = "SELECT email FROM dbispconfig.mail_user WHERE email = '%u'";
    7.)Give the roundcube mysql user read access to the dbispconfig database.

    PS: Don't know if you need point 1 or 6,7.
  3. pinguinito

    pinguinito Member

    thank you

    thank for your help, tomorrow that will be my job
  4. atjensen11

    atjensen11 New Member

    What is the point of Step 6? It appears the Roundcube will work without doing this. I am trying to troubleshoot a problem with Roundcube where I want to set the outgoing SMTP port to 587 and require authentication.

    The error logs are pointing me to a problem that is not related to Roundcube. Squirrelmail worked fine with this configuration. I guess I am wondering of Step 6 above may be related.
  5. Horfic

    Horfic Member

    Step 6 tells roundcube where it should look up for users. nothing else
  6. warlock

    warlock Member

    I found it really easy,

    apt-get install roundcube

    vi /etc/apache2/conf.d/roundcube

    and remove the hashes from

    Alias /roundcube/program/js/tiny_mce/ /usr/share/tinymce/www/
    Alias /roundcube /var/lib/roundcube

    restart apache and bob your uncle

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