Roundcubemail -- addressbook

Discussion in 'General' started by grandpagenocide, May 3, 2008.

  1. grandpagenocide

    grandpagenocide New Member

    Just a dumb question here, where does roundcube store the address book information? I cant find it in the ispconfig db or in any text files unless its encoded. Once i figure it out I want to expand the address book to have full address info and possibly rework the calendar to fit intot he ispconfig package
  2. grandpagenocide

    grandpagenocide New Member

    i found it
  3. daveb

    daveb Member

    if you installed the roundcube pkg I belive its stored here
  4. grandpagenocide

    grandpagenocide New Member

    thanks dave, any suggestions on what to use to edit sqlite? I have never used it? mysql ok sqlite = duh?
  5. daveb

    daveb Member

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