rsapmd: /var/lib/amavis/dkim missing on fresh installed mail server

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Spaetzle, May 3, 2020.

  1. Spaetzle

    Spaetzle Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I am in the process of setting up a new mail server in a multi server environment. I followed the parts of the "The Perfect Server - Ubuntu 18.04" for the mail part, ignoring amavisd-new and SpamAssassin.
    I followed the instructions from "" for setting up rspamd.
    While installing packages I observed a message
    usermod: group 'amavis' does not exist
    After the installation was completed I checked, the settings for the mail server (System > Server Config > Mail) there I found that as DKIM Path is set to "/var/lib/amavis/dkim" which is missing.
    Do I need to add this folder by hand and what user rights and user/group needs to be set on this folder.
    Do I need to create a group "amavis" and which directories do I need to change the group ownershil to "amavis". Do I need to add rspamd user to group "amavis".
    Or would it be better to install amavisd-new and repeat the configuration of rspamd and ISPConfig?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This folder must exist and the amavis group must exist too. Add both and then run an ispconfig update with reconfigure services = yes, this should probably fix the issues.
  3. Spaetzle

    Spaetzle Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thanks for the fast response.
    I added the directory and the group and ran No errors or warnings showed up.
    The folder is owned by root:root now. On an older installation using amavisd I see that /var/lib/amavis and all it's subfolders are owned by amavis. Do I need to change the ownership too? Are there other folders in need of being created there (db, tmp, virusmail) or are they created if needed?

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You have to change them to the amavis user and group if the update did not change that. The other folders are most likely not required.

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