Rspamd set to header does not work.

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by pvanthony, Mar 15, 2020.

  1. pvanthony

    pvanthony Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    When the spamfilter policy is set to Header for Rspamd, it still modifies the subject.
    On checking the /etc/rspamd/local.d/users/
    it is set to the following.
                            actions {
                                            "rewrite subject" =  5;
                                                            "add header" =  5;
                                            reject = 16.4;
                                                    greylist = null;
    From what I understand rspamd cannot do two actions. In this case, it cannot do "rewrite subject" and "add header" together. So it is doing the rewrite subject.
    Could this be the problem?
    If the add header is to be active, then I think the following should be set. Please share your thougths.
                            actions {
                                            "rewrite subject" =  null;
                                                            "add header" =  5;
                                            reject = 16.4;
                                                    greylist = null;
    By the way, is greylist set to null because of postgrey? And the feature through the ispconfig web interface has not been implemented for rspamd?

    For reference, here is the setting in ispconfig.
    ispconfig > email > spamfilter > policy
    I set the policy Normal to the following.
    Tab Policy
    Policy Name: Normal
    Virus lover: No
    Spam lover: No
    Tab Rspamd
    Greylisting level: 4.00
    SPAM tag level: 5.00
    SPAM tag method: Header (adds "X-Spam: Yes")
    SPAM reject level: 16.40
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That's known, there should be a bug report on this in our GIT system already.
  3. pvanthony

    pvanthony Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    opps. My bad. I should have checked first. I think this is the one.

    With regards to,
    By the way, is greylist set to null because of postgrey? And the feature through the ispconfig web interface has not been implemented for rspamd?
    Is my assumption correct?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Probably yes. But I'm not maintaining the Rspamd implementation. Maybe @Croydon might chime in and give a definitive answer :)

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