rsync incremental snapshot backups

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by gabrix, Dec 9, 2006.

  1. gabrix

    gabrix New Member

    I followed your incremental snapshot backups.Nearly everything ok apart from some errors i wanted you to look at .
    1 error message:
    The dir i want to backup is /var/www/torgab documentroot of my site and its relative database.The script i'm using is copied and pasted from the one here.
    2 error message
    And you script has this double $$ , $$BACKUPDIR/current" is this incorrect ???
    I corrected something including some others dirs in the esclude list i will wait for next messages and see how things are going.
  2. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    Can you post me the script you have?
    Or rather your modifications?
  3. gabrix

    gabrix New Member

    The script is on this site , modifications are relative to my lan ips and paths mysql user e password.The script is basically the same you see on this site here i have changed the last command
    where you see $BACKUPDIR/current/ there was a double $$ and that's it.
  4. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    Well, the double $$ is an error, I need to fix that... however I need what you have a script to see where the error lies that you are describing.
  5. gabrix

    gabrix New Member

    This is the last official error message after corrections:
    This is the script i'm using as you see it doesn't differ much from the one here:
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2006
  6. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    what's in your backup_exclude file?
  7. gabrix

    gabrix New Member

    esclude dir list:
    Last error messages:
    This is fine i think it is just relative to a default database ... i think!But the message continues:
    And i don't see anything to worry about .... great tutorial anyway !!!
  8. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    MYSQL is installed as you have backups of other sql-dbs...
    This is an interesting entry... can you check whether you have a folder "Database" in your mysql folder?

    And I think you should add
    also to the exlude file :)
  9. gabrix

    gabrix New Member

    The backup script stopped working i get this erro now ...
    I haven't changed passwords in mysql or anything,i don't have Database,actually i have nothing backed up !!!
  10. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    Well, the mysql-root account should have a password...
    If you don't use MySQL at all then eliminate the following lines:

    Otherwise you must set the root-mysql password...
  11. gabrix

    gabrix New Member

    I need to backup mysql databases , and the right password is set in the script,mysqldump stopped working for a password i haven't changed in the backup script and mysql neither.
    This what has been backedup:
    It looks like the mysqldump got done anyway,what do you think ?
    On the server where mysql is i login with the password is in the backup_script
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2006
  12. gabrix

    gabrix New Member

    I think i got over this password problem i need your help here ...
    ..i gave a space between the $ and the variable value above ... it has to be with no space , right ????
    Now i willl wait for next messages and see if i'm ight ...
  13. gabrix

    gabrix New Member

    It still says of a error on line2 of database 'Database' i don't have:
    It's not affecting the overall procedure
    ... old on !!!It sees the top writing Database and is backing up that too !!!It's a guess!
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2006
  14. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    The line needs to be like this (you have a line break in there):

    for i in $(echo 'SHOW DATABASES;' | $MYSQL -u$MYSQLUSER -p$MYSQLPWD -h$MYSQLHOST|$GREP -v '^Database$'); do

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