Running ISPConfig without installed FTP server

Discussion in 'General' started by nut, Feb 6, 2019.

  1. nut

    nut New Member

    We suppressed the installation of the FTP server when installing ISPConfig. But logically this causes an error message in the ISPConfig interface. The Monitor reports an error for "FTP-Server:Offline".

    Is it possible to prevent the missing FTP server from being interpreted as an error?

    Best regards
  2. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    This is curious, as I don't see "FTP-Server" in the monitor at all, even on servers running pure-ftpd. My only guess would be check the System > Server Services and make sure 'Fileserver' is unchecked for your server.

    The monitored services under Monitor tab are set under System > Server Config > {server} > Rescue (tab), you could check and see if you have a setting for "Disable FTP monitoring" or similar (I don't have one).
  3. nut

    nut New Member

    You are my hero! :)
    System > Server Services and make sure 'Fileserver' is unchecked was the solution. I didn't associate the term 'fileserver' with ftp. :(

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