Salutatory email

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by smartcall, Jan 22, 2007.

  1. smartcall

    smartcall New Member


    I've been adding lots of subdomains lately. I have a 'BCC Recipient' in the section where the salutatory emails are being set up.
    So the problem is:
    When a customer has an email address in the format: [email protected]
    ISPConfig is neither sending the salutatory email to this email address, nor to the 'BCC Recipient' which is me in this case.
    I also look in the maillog, where nothing happends. The panel is refusing to send.
    On the other hand if I try to send regular email from outlook, having the same server as outgoing to such address it would pass and is being delivered.

    Where is the trick here?

    And if ISPConfig treats such an address as invalid, then why would it allow an invalid DNS entry with '_' in the name?


  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The welcome message is sent when you set or update the customer's ISPConfig password. And it's sent to the customer's email address, not to the email addresses you set up under "User & Email".
  3. smartcall

    smartcall New Member

    got me wrong?

    Maybe I didn't express myself correctly.

    I mean exactly the customer's email address, not to the email addresses one sets up under "User & Email".
    I have setup about 80 customers accounts and I have only one of them with email in the format [email protected]. I mean customer's email address.

    And ISPConfig is not sending to such address.

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please open your mail log with
    tail -f /path/to/maillog
    and then change that customer's password. A welcome message should be sent, and at the same time you should see some action in the mail log. Please post those lines.
  5. smartcall

    smartcall New Member


    I also look in the maillog, where nothing happends. The panel is refusing to send.
  6. smartcall

    smartcall New Member


    I would like to bring this topic again.
    I'm not sure whether this is ISPConfig specific or Postfix. But whenever the client's email is in the format of [email protected] (mind the '_') ISPConfig doesn't send any mails to the specified address. Neither salutatory, nor for traffic exceedence. Not any.
    And I have a bunch of clients with email address like that.
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    As you dont see anything in the mail log, it might be a problem in ISPConfig. I added this to the bugtracker.
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I've fixed this. The fix will be available with the next ISPConfig release (2.2.14).
  9. smartcall

    smartcall New Member

    Thank you Falko,

    This was a real pain in the ass for me, because I am developing a script, that will automatically email users upon certain period expiration.
    As a matter of fact I need to finish it quite soon. It will involve some database modifications. As soon as I'm ready, I will post it in the dev section.
  10. Morons

    Morons Member

    OOps Am I too late for fix?

    My Systemconfig/Common/User prefix is left empty, I have like 200 Domains and Made the pre-fix by hand the result is probaby why I never get the Welcome mail nor does the Invoices work.

    :) sorry!

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