Hi there, I followed this instruction: https://raymii.org/s/tutorials/SAMBA_Share_with_Active_Directory_Login_on_Ubuntu_12.04.html I'm now trying to add a Samba share to be able for allowed users to read and write to /var/www but I can't get it to work. Any tips? Tnx, Rudolf.
I hope this server is not connected to the internet. chmod -R 777 on /var/www is a absolute no go security wise.
Restore the original permissions and then try to run the samba share as same user that you use for apache (e.g. www-data). But I wont run samba on a internet server, samba should be used in a corporate network, not over the internet. If you need a file share on your internet server that you can mount on windoes, then better use webdav in apache and not samba.
Tnx Till. I'm looking for a system that authenticates Windows Active Directory to writ to this folder /var/www. Can this be done with webdav and/or another system?
Pache supports ldap authentication. e.g.: http://www.held-im-ruhestand.de/software/apache-ldap-active-directory-authentication
webdav v. samba Hi, I have the same problem. Want to copy/edit files directly on my develop.webserver, Ubuntu Server12.04.4/Apache2/PHP5/MySQL/PhpMyAdmin from my windows rig. I use SSH to control the servers, but dont wan't to FTP when I'm testing/learning. It's only for testing purposes. With webdav it's possible to "map" a folder on the webserver?? And then edit it directly in e.g. bluefish?? So, do we use Webdav? How do we set it up when using the server above? .
Does anyone have any instructions for Ubuntu 12.04? I want to use Apache + Webdav + (Open)LDAP (and phpldapadmin)
Ok finally I got WebDAV working with LDAP authentication. PHP is installed. I think I have to change folder ownership or permissions on the web folder? Because when I open the url to this WebDAV folder it wants to download php files instead of opening it as webpage. Any suggestions or tips?