Same Username Different Domain

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by kextra1, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. kextra1

    kextra1 Member


    I would like to be able to have a username on different domains, such as:

    Let's use jim for the example

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    I installed ispconfig for the first time without a problem when ISPConfig was at version 2.6.22 and knew very little about it. I noticed that web1_ was before the username and web2_username soforth.

    I haven't touched the config since then other than adding smtpguard and postfixpolicyd and suchforth. I noticed that if i entered a user named "jim" on web1 I would have to enter: web1_jim to login to email. I'm not sure if I checked [email protected] and password to see if that would work. I don't care if users have to enter their full email address to login.

    I removed the web# in front of the username to allow users to login to webmail or whatever with just username, or "jim" in this example.

    I'd like to allow the same username on different webs....I dont care if they have to enter the full email address with the webmail login. I'd like to have...well here..


    [email protected]


    [email protected]

    Right now, if one domain has a user named "jim" the other domain cannot create a user named jim. I remember changing something inside ispconfig such as removing the web# infront of the email thing and possibly within roundcube webmail i applied some changes, but that was awhile ago.

    I'm running:

    Debian Etch 4.0
    ISPConfig 2.6.27
    Roundcube Webmail

    I wouldn't mind if users had to enter the full: [email protected] instead of just the username. However, I dont want users to have to use:


    to login to their mail/webmail or ftp or whatever.

    Anyone who can provide any instructions, advice, links, or otherwise point me towards a solution to accomplish this, please let me know!

    I tend to miss the simple little things when I'm rushed or taking shortcuts so I apologize if I've missed something simple.

    Thanks fellas,

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    This doesn't work if you have removed the username prefixes.
  3. jkal

    jkal New Member

    >> falko : This doesn't work if you have removed the username prefixes.

    So, is there a workaround to this? is this a known short fall for ISPconfig?
    are there any plans to fix this? or where can we get the answers to these questions, thanks.
  4. _X_

    _X_ New Member

    you can have similar e-mail adresses on two domains on same ispconfig install:
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    but jim on will use web1_jim as username to login at mail server and jim on will use web2_jim as username to login at mail server.

    that is if you turn on prefix for usernames.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is no workaround needed as this is no issue like _X_ explained above. Just dont disable the username prefix. the username prefix is emabled by default.
  6. kextra1

    kextra1 Member

    With roundcube

    Is there a way within Roundcube or ISPConfig to just add some code so they login with the full domain name instead of just username.

    Like logging in as:

    [email protected]

    instead of just:


    Also, i remember taking the web_ prefix out of ispconfig under system config - settings, but i forgot the syntax to add it back. should i just use web_?

    and under system - config - common...there is nothing displayed. Is it supposed to be like that?

    There's gotta be a way to allow [email protected] and [email protected]

    The developers have done such a great job with ISPConfig, and all the work with the remoting framework.

    The only reason I'm worried about this is because I've been using the Remoting Framework for autosignup, and when someone enter's a username, if it already exists on another web, it doesn't give a warning or anything.

    For example, a new client signs up at:

    [email protected]

    if the username already exists on another domain:

    [email protected]

    then it doesn't create the new [email protected] does it ask them to choose another username.

    I need to do some more reading up on PHP/Zend etc. etc......but if anyone has any advice I'd appreciate it.

    Also, if anyone could post the ISPConfig source code I'll browse through it when I get time. If Plesk or CPanel can do it, so can ISPConfig.

    And my last question....what are the advantages of 42goISP over ISPConfig?


    Last edited: Nov 16, 2008
  7. _X_

    _X_ New Member

  8. kextra1

    kextra1 Member

    I know I can fix this

    First off...Thanks _X_...I appreciate the link and advice...and thank you Till, you've been very helpful.

    I am certain i can write something to allow:

    username@domain1 and username@domain2

    This would require users to login with their full email addresses....

    If I can get a variable/string reference for the ISPConfig source...I will do so as quickly as possible.

    I am very impressed with this control panel. I've been working on an Autosignup.pkg for ISPConfig which includes forms to customize hosting packages "within" ispconfig. I've also been working on a IPS/IDS type plugin similar to snort/acidbase but more simple.

    However, I code slowly.....and i start too many projects at the same time. I've also been working on a ISPConfig template containg IMAGES for each value with mouseovers containing detailed descriptions of each fields functionality.

    You guys are doing great....if Plesk or CPanel can do it...ISPConfig should be able to do that and more.

    I'm best in C/C++ type apps, but I'm slowly but surely going to keep learning & help you guys out. I need to enhance my skills a bit more on a few subjects.....but you guys have the community support....some great developers.....we need to make it happen!

    When a user has a username, I don't care if they login with their full email address: [email protected] instead of just johndoe.

    However we have to be professional to compete with the closed source monsters, or monster companies of our time.

    I have written a drop down window for roundcube even that is compatible with the remoting framework, or rather a script that works in conjunction with the remoting framework to add new customer domain names to the dropdown menu within the roundcube webmail config.

    I understand webid_username or domain_username (actually i was just made aware of the domain_username... _X_, thanks)....for the control panel, but not for the email users.

    If they have an email address [email protected] ....they shouldn't have to login to their webmail with [email protected]ly because there are still a lot of people on the net who may be smart...but are web naive....they may end up printing "webid_johndoe@userdomain" on their business cards, causing them to lose money and connections and yell at me for it. hehe

    I'm really impressed with what you guys have done thus far and you've got the community behind you! Hell, you guys are on wikipedia!

    I am more than willing to contribute to this project instead of starting my own. You guys are much better PHP coders than I am. I'm used to C/C++ where all the variables/strings are defined at the top making it easier to reverse engineer, and I have had a hell of a time figuring out what does what.

    I've got German ancestors....actually (Irish/German/Croatian/Dutch/Native American(Commanche & Pawnee/Apache mix)

    but unfortunately I dont know the german language :/.....any variable/string reference sheet, or app to help me would be great.

    Learning a little bit everyday...but if anyone has any advice as far as applications that will help with webapp development please post or let me know:

    [email protected]

    Again, much respekt to the ISPConfig Development krew.....and forum moderators to answer even my dumbest and pre-mature questions.

    I think I'm going to quit my day job next I'll have more time to contribute.

    Last edited: Nov 16, 2008
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Email users in the form [email protected] are available in ISPConfig 3 already. The comments in ispconfig 3 are in english :)

    The way ISPConfig 2 and 3 work is completely different. It is not possible to add usernames in the format [email protected] to ispconfig 2 without rewriting a very large portion of the code and it should not be changed in ispconfig 2 as it would break the update compatibility. So if you want to have virtual mail users with usernames in the form [email protected] you should look into ispconfig 3.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2008

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