Saslauthd Error need help

Discussion in 'General' started by PierreR32, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. PierreR32

    PierreR32 New Member

    Hey everybody, (first sorry for bad english)

    i have install 2 Servers with ISPConfig.
    Server 1 is running with Debian 3.1 and PHP4 !!!
    Server 2 is running with Debian 3.1 and PHP5 !!!
    I install the Servers like in the Howtos perfect Debian.

    Now my Problem.
    On Server 2 have the problem with Sending Mails via Mail Client.
    in the Logfile comes everytime the follow errors from mail.log:
    Sep 25 12:24:03 server23 postfix/smtpd[11457]: connect from[]
    Sep 25 12:24:03 server23 postfix/smtpd[11457]: setting up TLS connection from[]
    Sep 25 12:24:04 server23 postfix/smtpd[11457]: TLS connection established from[]: TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)
    Sep 25 12:24:07 server23 postfix/smtpd[11457]: warning: SASL authentication failure: cannot connect to saslauthd server: Too many levels of symbolic links
    Sep 25 12:24:07 server23 postfix/smtpd[11457]: warning: SASL authentication failure: Password verification failed
    Sep 25 12:24:07 server23 postfix/smtpd[11457]: warning:[]: SASL PLAIN authentication failed
    Sep 25 12:24:08 server23 postfix/smtpd[11457]: warning: SASL authentication failure: cannot connect to saslauthd server: Too many levels of symbolic links
    Sep 25 12:24:08 server23 postfix/smtpd[11457]: warning:[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed
    Sep 25 12:24:11 server23 postfix/smtpd[11457]: lost connection after AUTH from[]
    Sep 25 12:24:11 server23 postfix/smtpd[11457]: disconnect from[]
    I dont know where is the error :(
    I check the Installation for sasl agains.

    The problem ist thats of this Server running custom webs with eMails.

    Received eMail is running
    Send email via webmail is running
    Send eMail via eMail Client ist NOT running.

    I hope you can help me.

    greetz Pierre
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's in /etc/default/saslauthd?
    What's the output of
    ls -la /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd
    ls -la /var/run/saslauthd
  3. PierreR32

    PierreR32 New Member

    the error is away.
    SMTP was running as Chroot.
    When run as chroot he can't use symbolic links.


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