Saving $HOME(Extended Part) With Ubuntu Live CD

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by lenc, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. lenc

    lenc New Member

    I have an IBM-DJNA-371350 13 GB HDD with an old Woody(DEB) partition format containing /, usr, var primary part and extended part containing home, temp and tmp. The temp part was erased and readded and has lost its ID(trying to merge the temp part with / which is now full due to the Edgy, Feisty upgrades changes and the old Debian Woody format). Ubuntu Feisty was updraded from Edgy via Adept and fixed with Aptitude. I want to reinstall Feisty using the Ubuntu live Cd and retain my $HOME partition but don't know how with gparted and the live CD. I want to end up with a large / partition, linux swap and my current home partition according to the new Ubuntu part format. I use ext3 fs and wonder if there is still any size limitation on ext3 fs.
    Can my $HOME part be saved and how do I do it? I've read all the partitioning howtos on Sourceforge(confusing) that I found but none mention saving a extended partition. Would appreciate knowing if saving $HOME is even possible and some pointers/howtos to save it if it's possible. Have only used fdisk and cfdisk in past. Any and all guidance welcomed!
    Thanks for your kind consideration to my problem,

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2007
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can just insert the Feisty Live-CD and start the installation. When it comes to the partitioning, you specify that you don't want to format /home. That's it. :)
  3. lenc

    lenc New Member

    Re:Saving $HOME(Extended Part) With Ubuntu Live CD Reply to Thread

    Falco Wrote:
    You can just insert the Feisty Live-CD and start the installation. When it comes to the partitioning, you specify that you don't want to format /home. That's it.

    Thanks Super Falco for the reply. I had given up and started the live cd and quickly ran into trouble on partitioning. Selected manual. Said I needed to select a / and swap partition but gave me no way to do it. Started gparted standalone and it gave me the error that Partition and Filesystem were unallocated(greyed out). First time to use gparted so am confused. Got to assign / and the start but not the end, What a flaky live CD, of course I don't know how to use it. Muddled some more and was able to assign swap but no ending. Read all the manuals I could find on live cd and gparted but still lost. Also googled and read the sourceforge howtos. Still lost.
    Awaiting any comments, suggestions you may have. A good howto would help. BTW, just how do you specify that you don't want to format /home. And how to get the dropdown that list all the part? I was able to get the drop down listing all the partitions including home just once; never again tho. Did I say the live CD is flaky or it's just me.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2007

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