Scalix install on Debian Etch anyone??

Discussion in 'Technical' started by lordshadow, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. lordshadow

    lordshadow New Member


    I'm trying to get Scalix suite installed on Debian Etch, at the moment on a test box (my laptop) then my main server.

    I discovered this page:

    and thanks to Christoph for that :) however the script didn't work well for me and I ended up executing most of it manually :(

    My problems begin from around here:


    # Setting up Scalix Mailnode


    I also discovered this post:

    of which seems to be a different problem! But still was helpful.

    Specifically I can't log in from outside; http://myipaddress/sac doesn't work however it works locally http://localhost/sac

    I also had some dir's missing although this might be rectified now?

    The last point is that when I try to log in locally through localhost/sac I don't seem to be able to connect to the database. sxadmin user isn't even found when running: omshowu -n sxadmin says commend not found I think because postgres or something is not started (maybe was tomcat or cataline??), as before it said no users found

    Can anyone help me??? Is a long shot I know as I've got it running under supported CentOS 5 on vbox as a test
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2008
  2. lordshadow

    lordshadow New Member

    For this to work I need to re-run:

    export PATH=/opt/scalix/bin:$PATH
    sxconfig --set -t general.usrl_cn_rule='G S'
    sxconfig --set -t general.usrl_authid_rule='l@'
    sxconfig --set -t orniasys.name_part_1='"C" <S>' -t orniasys.domain_part_1="$ldomain"
    omaddmn -m $mnode
    omrc -n
    omadmidp -a -s 66000 -n 100
    omaddu -n sxadmin/$mnode --class limited -c admin -p "$admpwd" sxadmin
    omconfenu -n "sxadmin/$mnode"
    omlimit -u "sxadmin/$mnode" -o -i 0 -m 0
    omaddu -n sxqueryadmin/$mnode --class limited -c admin -p $ldappwd sxqueryadmin@$fqdn
    omaddpdl -l ScalixUserAdmins/$mnode
    omaddpdl -l ScalixUserAttributesAdmins/$mnode
    omaddpdl -l ScalixGroupAdmins/$mnode
    omaddpdl -l ScalixAdmins/$mnode
    omon -s all
    however there are loads of errors!
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the output of
    netstat -tap
  4. lordshadow

    lordshadow New Member

    Thanks Falko for replying, I got into contact with Christoph Lukas who designed the script in the mean time who told me to re-install the OS from scratch and start again.

    Once we figure this thing out I will post what went wrong the first time as I'm sure that I will have the same problems!

    I'm not sure about a howto but maybe in this post as a solution to anyone who experiances similar issues. :)

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