scenario for ispconfig?

Discussion in 'General' started by edu7, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. edu7

    edu7 New Member


    I'm thinking of using ispconfig for a specific scenarion.

    I have red the manual and browsed a bit and it could be that ispconfig is exactly what I need. I'll appreciate comments, hints to other posts, manuals, etc.

    My status now is that we have an isa firewall. The firewall manages that workers (lan) can connect with ftp to get files. Customers have a script that connect with https to get files too. For every customer there is a sepparate subdomain and a diferrent user.
    Workers can access the whole ftp tree. For the subdomains there is an external dns server that we have to create every new subdomain.

    Is it possible to simplify things? Because we want to eliminate the isa Firewall and the old windows machine that runs IIS with ftp and web replace.

    I have seen that I can administer DNS and Sites with the web interface of ispconfig. My question is, when I create a new site will it then create already the necessary dns entry for that subdomain? Is there a kind of automatism? Or do I have to do it with scripts?

    Thanks for your advice.

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig is able to create a basic DNS record automatically when you add a site, but you may extend this DNS record in the ISPConfig DNS-Manager later.

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