Hi, Since I have to provide email addresses managed by ispconfig to third parties, I wanted to know if there was a way (code html, php...) to change the passwords of the email boxes without switching from ispconfig. I have seen that there are remote user accounts and several bees, maybe there is something. Because otherwise it would be a privacy issue Thank you
There is a remote API for ispconfig to access the data. See this post from Till: https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/rest-api-examples.79889/#post-378587 Does this answer your question?
I'm not sure I undestood the question, but if it is about how to change password for an e-mail box withouth using ISPConfig panel, then password can be changed with Webmail installing ISPConfig Roundcube plugins.
You can install the ISPConfig roundcube plugins indeed, and email users can login with their email adress + password on the panel and change it there.