Hello! I need to know. It is possible to create a second server based on Ubuntu 9.10 with ISPConfig 2 as secondary server with another public IP. Idea is: Now I have one web hosting server on Ubuntu 9.10 ISPConfig 2. And I want to create a second server as a recovery or secondary server. For expl. if the first server is down all my clients can use my secondary server. It is possible to create and how I can to do this? Big thnks.
It's not that easy because you need a virtual IP that "floats" between the nodes. I think you can do it if you use something like HAProxy: http://www.howtoforge.com/setting-u...lancer-with-haproxy-heartbeat-on-debian-lenny
OK. But how I can clone my web server. For expl. I have ISPConfig with ubuntu 9.10 and I have another server with ubuntu 9.10. And I want to mirror my primary web server with ISPConfig to my secondary. After that I have two servers with the same systems and configurations. How I can to do this? DRBD? But how to correctly clone my server without interraptions and errors, because my primary server have apr. 20 clients. Thnks!