Hello, good morning. I'm writing here to ask a suggestion from Howtoforge community. I'm planning to setup a SFTP server,for one my client, to transfer a very large amount of GB data, for remote audio recording work, from differents locations around the Italy. I already have a ISPconfig server (with openssh/sftp), but I need to setup a new separate SFTP server with web management interface to control users(add delete), within my server that have an exiting ISPconfig configuration, without modify the openssh/vsftp configuration assigned to ISPconfig and touch the users system. In this way i can povide "all in one solution" to my client that not modify my IspConfig and the ubuntu system. I have found this: http://translate.google.com/transla...e.net/fr/index.html&hl=fr&ie=UTF8&sl=fr&tl=en I'm open to ideas and suggests!!!! Thanks, regards. Josef.