Secondary/temporary url during transfert

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Tonio, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. Tonio

    Tonio New Member


    I would like to know if it's possible to have a secondary or temporary url to access my site while I'm working on it, BUT without removing access to the already existing site by playing in my local host file?

    I was able to set-up the new site by changing my host file, but to complete the wordpress media import, I would need to have both site accessible at the same time to run the script.

    I tried adding domain alias or setting subdomains pointing to the new site, but they always redirect to my actual site instead of showing the work in progress one, or give me error. I figured I might have misconfigured something, but can't find what.

    Is there anyway to do what I'm looking to do with end user level access?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    you have t set the new domain name in wordpress too.
  3. Tonio

    Tonio New Member

    Thanks for the pointer till. Any suggestion on how to do that ? I don't see it without a plugin. Toying with it right now.
  4. Tonio

    Tonio New Member

    Ok, I've changed the WP_SITEURL and WP_HOME, as suggested on this post to answer to multiple domains, but I still get redirected to the main or new site (tried both). I never get served the new website with the alternate addresses. Tried alias and sub.

    Anything I should change?

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