Hello, i am using dedicated server with debian 11. I have installed there ispconfig 3.2.7p1, phpmyadmin and roundcube. I would like to secure ispconfig with ssl certificate. And phpmyadmin and roundcube. But firts ispconfig which running on https://ipaddress:8080/index.php with no valid ssl. I found this manual https://www.howtoforge.com/securing...server-with-a-valid-lets-encrypt-certificate/ but i can see there that ISPConfig 3.2 is able to create a valid Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for the server hostname automatically during installation . Is here any way how can i install lets encrypt for ispconfig automatically in case i have installed ispconfig yet?¨ Maybe i should start ispconfig install again? Is here any change to lose data during this?
ISPConfig does that automatically when you install it since ISPConfig 3.2 anyway. Only prerequisite to get a LE cert is that you have a valid hostname set up for the server which exists in DNS. If you missed setting up DNS records for the server properly, then fix that. Afterwards run: ispconfig_update.sh --force and let the updater recreate the SSL cert when it asks.
LE certs only covers valid hostname FQDN like example.domain.tld and not ip address so ensure you set it up properly as per @till advised above.