Hello, I'm very new to this business. My company has a a lot of space at a carrier hotel, so I have the freedom of having my own box there. So, I'm thinking of having my own box where I can host my domains, mail and ofcourse get an own domain name server. Everything self-sustaining, no need to borrow services from my domain registrar like GoDaddy. Pretty much everything on that server. dns.mymaindomain.com, dns1.mymaindomain.com, mail.mymaindomain.com which I can also use for my other domains. I have this configured with ISPconfig so far. I'd love to add webmin to it, but unfortunately, it conflicts. Just wondering how I'd go about all this. Is there a guide to making your own webhost, etc? A current issue I'm having is this, I somehow got GoDaddy to point the A @ record to the box's IP, and ISP config configured to accept that domain. Now, I'd like to host the DNS on my box too, not on GoDaddy's. My server has bind9 running. How would I do it? Last time I used my friends box, he let me host 2-3 domains with him. The first domain worked, the second time he just said to go on GoDaddy and add ns1.mymaindomain.com and ns2.mymaindomain.com and his box will automatically start hosting my 2nd domain's addresses, etc. I might not be explaining this right, so my apologies. But if someone knows how I can get this, that'll be great! I tried doing this myself, but it didn't work. GoDaddy kept saying Invalid nameservers. Also, a small problem: I'm unable to login via ftp. Why so? Password problem it says. Please help. TIA. Specs: Ubuntu Feisty 7.04, installation followed from the Perfect Setup.
I am not sure about go-daddy but all you need to do is add a nameserver record and point it to your server. Usually you just provide a fqdn and the ip addy of the server. There should be an option somewhere to update the dns records for the domains.
Hi mxc, thanks for the help. But I did provide the fqdn, which isn't created on my server. I added ns1.mymaindomain.com. Godaddy said "Invalid Nameserver", I'm guessing probably because ns1.mymaindomain.com wasn't a created URL anywhere. But the thing is, my friend who had given me access when asked about where to point my domain, said I don't need to change an A record or anything, just said on Godaddy add ns1.mymaindomain-atthattime.com ns2.mymaindomain-atthattime.com, and that's it. What I don't get it, he said at out of nowhere, whcih means he didn't manually add that DNS cname on his server. So why couldn't I do it for myself? I know I'm running bind9.
Set the default name servers in Management -> settings -> DNS to ns1.domain.com and ns2.domain.com then try adding it to godaddy
Go to http://www.dnsstuff.com/ Type your name server in where it says DNS Report, see what errors you get
[ERROR: The parent servers say that the domain ns1.mymaindomain.com does not exist. Note that the DNS Report only works on domains, not hostnames.] That's the error I get when I do the DNS report.
http://www.howtoforge.com/ispconfig_dns_godaddy This tutorial pretty much explains stuff, except it's outdated, and also it has two ISPconfig servers. I just have one (with quite a few IPs), so wanna see how it'll work.
Also, this box is colocated like I mentioned earlier, I have just one box. Not two. I'd rather run two nameservers on the same box with different IPs, if it makes matters easy. Just want to be able to run everything on this one box. Please help.
If you have just one server, you dont have to run two nameservers, one is enough. Just run one BIND instance and create primary records in ISPConfig. Then you need two domains or subdomains pointing to two different IP addresses on your server. Entere these two domain names at godaddy as primary and secondary DNS server.
I didn't really understand what you are saying. Do you mind elaborating a little bit more, if you don't mind? PS: Also, wanted to ask about virtual servers, if I can run one BIND on one server, then a BIND on a virtual server on the same machine, etc.
1) You need two domains or sub domains pointing to two different IP addresses on your server: ns1.yourdomain.com > ns2.yourdomain.com > 2) Entere these two domain names at godaddy as primary and secondary DNS server. Login at godaddy, open the settings of your domain, set the above nameservers as authoritive nameservers for your domain. Be aware that you can not use ns1.yourdomain.com and ns2.yourdomain.com as domainservers for yourdomain.com if you do not use glue records. You can use this nameservers only for all other domains except of yourdomain.com as ns1.yourdomain.com is a subdomain of yourdomain.com. Every virtual servers is a different server, so you can run a bind instance on every virtual server. Use the command "dig @localhost yourotherdomain.com".
The only thing is, how can I set these servers to use glue records if I don't have them set up? Thanks btw, appreciate it.
Glue records are setup at the registry, not on your nameserver. You will have to ask godaddy to set them up for you.
Thank you, till. You have been amazing! This is a totally P.S question, but would you know of a guide that'll tell us everything about the start of the installation of a server all the way up to be able to be a complete host by having reverse dns, mail.server.com, and all that stuff, etc? ISPconfig manual unfortunately tells us about how to use a lot of settings, but not what they are for. Especially for beginners like me, I think it'll be very helpful.
For the installation part, have a look at the perfect setup howtos that are listed on the ISPConfig documentation page.
I used the perfect setup guides, and they're really good. Just that, I'd love it if I can have explanations..