Send email to all mailbox accounts

Discussion in 'General' started by atjensen11, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. atjensen11

    atjensen11 New Member


    I am running ISPConfig3 on a Debian Lenny setup. The setup was configured using the Perfect Server setup here on HowtoForge.

    I would like to send periodic email updates to all clients and users of the system. I have many more users than clients and thought it would be best to just email all the active mailbox accounts on the server.

    Is there an easy way others have done this? I have thought about setting up a mailing list program on several occasions. Those programs typically use a separate database structure which requires duplication. I would prefer not to have duplication if possible.

    Any ideas?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The easiest way would be most likely to write a script that goes trough all records in the mail_user database and then sends a email to every user.

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