send email to same domain not work

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Figaroo, Jul 26, 2024.

  1. Figaroo

    Figaroo New Member

    I have a strange behaviour on an ispconfig 3 debian 11 based system.
    one of a domain just get an email service from the mentioned server. xxx@mydomain dot com

    The website is served on a different server mydomain dot com, what has a contact form should send an email to xxx@mydomain dotcom

    Unfortunately none of any email arrived!

    the form use an smtp accont and tried with xxx@mydomain dot com, nooreply@mydomain dot com....

    The strange is: if I use a same smtp acount for the form but foreign email address (for example xxx@gmail dot com) the contact email arrived to gmail..

    - the website's IP is not on a blacklist, enabled on ufw and IPTABLES too

    what I missed??

    Please help me, advise
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Arrived where? Is the problem sending or receiving?
    Test first by logging in to the mailbox in question, best to test with webmail, that is Roundcube. Then send an e-mail to that same address. Does this work?
    See what is in e-mail log when messages come and go, that should show why they fail if they do fail.
  3. Figaroo

    Figaroo New Member

    Helo Taleman!
    Yes I try it from roundcube send a mail to the same email address is work.. so local delivery is enabled

    may I was not clear enoch sorry for that, try to describe again.

    A server is a webeserver host a domain dot com website
    B server is a postfix/dovecot mailserver host a domain dot com's emails info@ noreply@ etc...

    On A servers website contact form (what uses smtp account form a B sever noreply@domain dot com

    try to send an email to info@domain dot com - --> not works no t anything in a mail log, not email receiving on B server

    if the target is anything else like a gmail address, the email is send normaly accross B server to gmail

    looks like send a mail to a same domain from an other server is not allowed somehow
  4. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Maybe the contact form does not actually send the e-mail? If the sending server has nothing in mail.log then the e-mail is not being sent.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    But you did not create the same domain as the email domain on both servers in ISPConfig? Because email delivery can't work then as the sending server will keep the email and not deliver it to the other server.
  6. Figaroo

    Figaroo New Member

    the sending server is my B server.
    the form on A server use B servers smtp setting works fine, send helo, connecting

    if the target address is gmail whatever B server normaly send the email to gmail whatever I set...

    if the target adderss is a same domain as the B server host no email no connection on smtp no mail log
  7. Figaroo

    Figaroo New Member

    The truth is I'm just responsible for server B email....
    the problem is a website hosted on server A wanna send a contact form writed email to home (to server B)

    and the email is not arriving to mailbox in server B
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, but do you have access to the mail.log file of server A? That's the place where you must check to see why the email is not arriving, you can not see that on your system. if nothing is in the log of your server, then the issue is on the side of the other server and you must check the other servers log.
  9. Figaroo

    Figaroo New Member

    No I do not have access to "server A" what is a simple webserver hosting an website
    on that website's page there is a contact form using smtp account from "server B"

    I do not think need to see server A mail.log as server B is a mail server I monitor the log and the ontact form connect to server B to send email
    if the email is a local hosted on server B (MX of ----> no connection, no mail log, no auth log nothing
    fi the email is gmail whatever.. the connection to server B created and the email is sent trough server B to gmail whatever.... everything works normaly
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If the log on server B is empty, then this just means that server A did not try to deliver the email to server B or that you closed port 25 incoming on server B (or in a firewall in front of server B), which prevented the email from reaching the mail server. But you would see the reason in the log of server A.
  11. Figaroo

    Figaroo New Member

    You have absulutely true, but if same smtp setting, but recipient is a gmail address for example.. the connection established between A and B servers and email sending works trough server B
  12. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    You really should start using punctuation to make your sentences understandable.
    It would be easier to see mail.log on the A host.
    How is it the sending configured in the contact form? Login info for mailbox on B? Something else?
  13. Figaroo

    Figaroo New Member

    Sorry if I'm not understandable apologise for it.

    This is a usual situation.
    - Customer ask me host his/her email on my server ---> dns MX record point to my server which is "Server B"
    - Customer ask his/her website coder create a contact form, visitors can send emails (The website is hosted on "Server A")

    The domain A record and MX record are on a separated servers I think usual!?

    The website coder ask me for SMTP details (because he do not want to use phpmail function).

    So the website contact form uses SMTP details of my Server B ( I created a noreply@domain for the customer)

    If the domain's website contact form on "server A" try to send email to info@domain hosted on Server B, simply nothing happens. Do not see anything in mail.log, auth.log fail2ban.log.
    If the domain's website contact form on "server A" try to send email to whatever@gmail the postfix-sasl auth ok, the mail.log ok and the email is arriving to gmail account trough my "Server B".

    Peraps the smtp details not canged on contact form, just the recipient address.

    Thanks for thinking!
  14. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Have you verified there is no e-maildomain with that name on server A?
    I suggest you get the e-mail log from server A, seems we have exhausted the difficult ways to solve this, remains the easy way of examining mail.log on A.

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