sending ghost emails. they go out but never arrive at the destination

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Jonathon Gilbert, Dec 10, 2018.

  1. Jonathon Gilbert

    Jonathon Gilbert Member HowtoForge Supporter

    hi guys,
    so after fighting all night long i have managed to get my server back up and running after a ISP update broke the whole damn thing.

    however now i am having an issue where i CAN send... but the email never arrives at its destination. i can receive fine. with ssl even.
    i am quite the noob but i can follow guidance like a pro.

    i have attached my current mail log and i am the one sending out from [email protected]

    i have had this server running for two months without an issue and then i did a ispconfig update yesterday and the whole thing fell apart. it has taken the last 16 hours to get it working again. (i made a few compounding issues but they are gone now.)
    i am running a CentOS 6.8 Virtual server.
    i have gone through the setup guides and still having the same issue.
    i am also posting my active ports

    Attached Files:

  2. Jonathon Gilbert

    Jonathon Gilbert Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Dec 10 12:03:23 vs-streamlinets postfix/anvil[8711]: statistics: max connection rate 1/60s for (smtp: at Dec 10 11:59:50
    Dec 10 12:03:23 vs-streamlinets postfix/anvil[8711]: statistics: max connection count 1 for (smtp: at Dec 10 11:59:50
    Dec 10 12:03:23 vs-streamlinets postfix/anvil[8711]: statistics: max message rate 1/60s for (smtp: at Dec 10 11:59:50
    Dec 10 12:03:23 vs-streamlinets postfix/anvil[8711]: statistics: max cache size 1 at Dec 10 11:59:50
    Dec 10 12:03:30 vs-streamlinets dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<[email protected]>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=9188
    Dec 10 12:03:30 vs-streamlinets dovecot: imap([email protected]): Disconnected: Logged out bytes=50/410
    Dec 10 12:03:40 vs-streamlinets dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<[email protected]>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=9197
    Dec 10 12:03:40 vs-streamlinets dovecot: imap([email protected]): Disconnected: Logged out bytes=92/807
    Dec 10 12:04:14 vs-streamlinets dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<[email protected]>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=9250
    Dec 10 12:04:14 vs-streamlinets dovecot: imap([email protected]): Disconnected: Logged out bytes=90/852
    Dec 10 12:04:16 vs-streamlinets dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<[email protected]>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=9254
    Dec 10 12:04:16 vs-streamlinets dovecot: imap([email protected]): Disconnected: Logged out bytes=90/823
    Dec 10 12:04:30 vs-streamlinets dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<[email protected]>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=9271
    Dec 10 12:04:30 vs-streamlinets dovecot: imap([email protected]): Disconnected: Logged out bytes=50/410
    Dec 10 12:04:40 vs-streamlinets dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<[email protected]>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=9284
    Dec 10 12:04:40 vs-streamlinets dovecot: imap([email protected]): Disconnected: Logged out bytes=92/807
    Dec 10 12:05:00 vs-streamlinets postfix/scache[8979]: statistics: start interval Dec 10 12:01:40
    Dec 10 12:05:00 vs-streamlinets postfix/scache[8979]: statistics: domain lookup hits=0 miss=2 success=0%
    Dec 10 12:05:00 vs-streamlinets postfix/scache[8979]: statistics: address lookup hits=0 miss=2 success=0%
  3. Jonathon Gilbert

    Jonathon Gilbert Member HowtoForge Supporter

    and i now have 188 emails sitting in the queue
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Seems as if you have a problem with amavisd, it should be listening on 10024 and 10026 but yours seems to listen on 10024 only. Did you install an old version of your amavisd.conf file while attempting to fix the issue, if yes, then this might be the reason why your amavis is not listening on port 10026.
  5. Jonathon Gilbert

    Jonathon Gilbert Member HowtoForge Supporter

    So the older versions didnt use port 10026?
    This may well be the issue.
    Unfortunately iv only just now gotten your message. Iv just defaulted the hosting. However this will help in future. No where else has suggested that.
    I'm sure the reset was a noob move but I figure i do like to test my boundaries and now I know how to break it...

    Thankyou for your help.
    If you ever want to provide a catigory for PC support, I'd be happy to contribute and repay the favor.
    Because il be back haha
    Jonathon Gilbert
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    It depends on how old the older version was. If it was a 3.0.5 version then the config had probably no port 10026 as this is used for DKIM mail signing which was introduced with ISPConfig 3.1. And it is likely that the OS you used for hosting played a rule for the issues as CentOS 6 is really really old.
  7. Jonathon Gilbert

    Jonathon Gilbert Member HowtoForge Supporter

    well i will have it back shortly what ever it was so i will confirm.
    and just laugh moment in the middle of all this pain... the service provider i use just "reset my hosting back to default"... my IP ends in 89.62 the server they just wiped... is 89.162 someone is going to have a worse day than me.
  8. Jonathon Gilbert

    Jonathon Gilbert Member HowtoForge Supporter

    just for the record, how would i go about adding it in that case? is it as simple as just adding it into a line?
  9. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    On my Debian GNU/Linux 9.6 I have:
    $inet_socket_port = [10024,10026];
    I don't know about CentOS.
  10. Jonathon Gilbert

    Jonathon Gilbert Member HowtoForge Supporter

    is that line located in a file somewhere?
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That's in the amavisd.conf file (/etc/amavisd,conf or /etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf)

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