Sending Mail BUG?

Discussion in 'General' started by scandal32, Jul 14, 2010.

  1. scandal32

    scandal32 New Member

    Hi. Here's my problem (SERIOUS ONE). I have two servers (A and B). Both servers have ISPConfig 3 installed. ISPConfig Panel is on Server A. Both server has www and mail configured. I found SERIOUS BUG. If I send mail from SERVER A to SERVER B (via client or webpage) mail is DELIVERED to SERVER A! Even "GREETINGS MAIL" sended automaticly goes to SERVER A. I must say that my configuration assume that SERVER A is used to WEBPAGES and SERVER B as an MAILSERVER. Please HELP!

    Temporarly I solved this problem by adding in line (on both servers) additional_conditions = and active = 'y' and server_id=1 (where "1" is server id) in etc/postfx/ file. IHowever this is temporarly solution. It works but I dont know if it is proper for ISP and how long it will work (probably till id changes).
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2010
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Are you sure you configured the mail domain on server2 only? It seems to me as if you configured it on server1 as well.
  3. scandal32

    scandal32 New Member

    BUG Problem - supplement

    Here's my description again:

    I have two servers (A and B). Both servers have ISPConfig 3 installed. ISPConfig Panel is on Server A. Both server has www and mail configured. I have DOMAIN 1 (on server A) and DOMAIN 2 (on server B). I found SERIOUS BUG. If I send mail from DOMAIN 1 to DOMAIN 2 (via client or webpage) mail is DELIVERED LOCALY to SERVER A! (directory structure of DOMAIN 2 mail IS BEING automaticly created on SERVER 2). Even "GREETINGS MAIL" sended automaticly goes to SERVER A (Ssamew thing happens if I send an e-mail from domain 2 to domain 1). I must say that my configuration assume that SERVER A is used to WEBPAGES and SERVER B as an MAILSERVER. Please HELP!

    Hope I was much precisious...
  4. scandal32

    scandal32 New Member

    Help Plaese

    Please anyone help me with problem I described. Any mail sended of webpage of my klients (via sendmail) doesn't work. Does anyone know the problem?
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This is the correct solution. It has already been fixed like this in SVN some time ago.

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