Sending of password did not succeed

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by jhdtolentino, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. jhdtolentino

    jhdtolentino New Member


    I'm a newbie to email servers, so I decided to try out this tutorial earlier:

    I didn't have any problems during setup, but when I tried to download a test email in Thunderbird, I got an error saying

    "Sending of password did not succeed. Mail server responded: Temporary problem, please try again later."

    Any ideas on what went wrong? Thanks in advance!
  2. jhdtolentino

    jhdtolentino New Member

    Ok. I'll be the first one to call myself a fool. I made a wrong configuration in one of the files. However, I'm still getting an error. It's slightly different though:

    "Sending of password did not succeed. Mail server responded: chdir failed"

    Is this a permissions problem?
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

    What's the output of
    ls -la /home/vmail
  4. jhdtolentino

    jhdtolentino New Member

    Here's the output of:

    ls -la /home/vmail

    drwxr-xr-x 3 vmail vmail 4096 2007-06-16 18:15 .
    drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 2007-06-16 18:10 ..
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 vmail vmail 220 2007-06-15 17:30 .bash_logout
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 vmail vmail 414 2007-06-15 17:30 .bash_profile
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 vmail vmail 2227 2007-06-15 17:30 .bashrc
    drwxr-xr-x 3 vmail vmail 4096 2007-06-16 18:15


    I figured out a few more things, so I created a folder (that's our domain name). Then I went in that folder, and ran:

    maildirmake my_username

    After that, I could receive emails, but not send. I think it's off-topic though so I'll just start a new thread. Thanks for all the help!

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