Sendmail and greylisting

Discussion in 'General' started by bernholdt, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. bernholdt

    bernholdt Member

    I recently setup postgrey on my server, wich i must say works like a charm against spam :)

    Now im thinking what about servers sending mail trough php mail function, will they be resend when my server rejects the mail at first?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The php mail function normally does not send any meil directly, it uses the mta of the local system. So if this mta is configurec correctly the mail should be resend.
  3. bernholdt

    bernholdt Member

    The answer i hope for :)
    I guess that my install of debian etch following falkos perfect server setup, howto it would be set up correctly

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