sendmail log

Discussion in 'General' started by ddouma, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. ddouma

    ddouma New Member

    Hi all,

    I have a little question about Sendmail.
    Currently some users are using Sendmail to send some mail with a php script.

    How can I set Sendmail to log the origin & destination into a logfile?
    Currently I can't see where mails are being sended to and how much mails an user sends in 1 hour / day, etc.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    This should be in your mail log already.
  3. ddouma

    ddouma New Member

    Hmm kej, yes you are correct.
    Problem is/was the maillog is spammed with messages for the mailstats: [email protected]omain .

    Any idea how the filter the <[email protected]> out so that the log becomes more readable?
  4. poisen

    poisen New Member

    do you have a solution for this problem already? My server is being used to send out spam mails and I have serveral websites on there and cannot exactly tell where it is coming from ... I need a solution to this problem or it's gonna break my neck! autsch. :confused:

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