Hi! It is possible to separate ISPconfig admin interface (https/81 TCP apache)? I have 2 public IP address and i would be able to have ISPconfig admin on one IP address and apache2 to another IP. Is this situation possible? Thank you Simone
Yes, you can bind ISPConfig's Apache to a specific IP address by changing the Listen directive in /root/ispconfig/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, for example Code: Listen Do the same for your main Apache (with the other IP address) and restart ISPConfig and Apache.
Hi Falko! Thanks for the reply. I configured ISPconfig's apache and site's apache and now I have the first apache bind on a IP and the second bind to another IP. But... there's a problem: gaia:~/ispconfig/httpd/bin#./apachectl start ./apachectl start: httpd started gaia:~/ispconfig/httpd/bin# netstat -an | grep 81 tcp 0 0 89.xxx.xxx.xxx:81* LISTEN gaia:~/ispconfig/httpd/bin# This is ok! But if I stop ISPconfig's apache with gaia:~/ispconfig/httpd/bin# ./apachectl stop ./apachectl stop: httpd stopped gaia:~/ispconfig/httpd/bin# netstat -an | grep 81 gaia:~/ispconfig/httpd/bin# And try to restart ISPconfig with the init.d command: gaia:~/ispconfig/httpd/bin# /etc/init.d/ispconfig_server restart Shutting down ISPConfig system... /root/ispconfig/httpd/bin/apachectl stop: httpd (no pid file) not running ISPConfig system stopped! Starting ISPConfig system... /root/ispconfig/httpd/bin/apachectl startssl: httpd started ISPConfig system is now up and running! gaia:~/ispconfig/httpd/bin# netstat -an | grep 81 gaia:~/ispconfig/httpd/bin# ISPconfig's apache dont start. In /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/config.inc.php I have mod with this line $go_info["server"]["server_url"] = "https://89.xxx.xxx.xxx:81"; Where is the problem? Thank you! Simone