seperate Mailserver & ISPconfig

Discussion in 'General' started by r00ty, May 25, 2007.

  1. r00ty

    r00ty New Member


    I decided to change my hosting control pane: I'm going to use ISPconfig, but I still have some questions regarding my configuration.

    In my settings I have two different machines: one for the mail system, the other one for all other services (including the ISPconfig).

    Since ISPconfig doesn't support this configuration natively I have to find a workaround for it. I have already several ideas but I would appreciate it to get some ideas of you or any other hints regarding my ideas.

    OS: Debian Etch (on both machines)

    Idea 1:
    - mounting the mail-rootserver via NFS, selecting the postfix mailserver on the mounted directory during ISPconfig installation

    ^ Questions:
    does this work? It would be too easy...

    probably I have to adjust some links to the second server:
    anything else?

    What about the authentication? I guess /etc/passwd is used, isn't it? Therefore I have to adjust the passwd of the mailserver if the on on ispconfig is changed.

    what about courier? How does ISPconfig communicate with courier (or isn't that neccacary at all)? What about new mailboxes / deleting mailboxes, etc.?

    Idea 2:
    I could also install ISPconfig an the webserver and sync the changes...
    Is there a good way to do this with ISPconfig? I found something about a remote framework...
    Or should I just copy the ISPconfig-database to update the second server?

    Idea 3:
    Syncing only the postfix/courier config files via rsync or something like that...

    All right. I would be glad if I could get some feedback / ideas of you.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think the easiest way would be to install ISPConfig on both systems and create the mail accounts on the second system. On the first system you must select "External Mailserver" for all your domains, otherwise emails will stay on that server if they are sent from/over that system.

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