I stupidly edited the /etc/fstab file on my dedicated server and now the server will not boot and is not reachable. My hosting company say that a reprovision is required but I do not believe them and this also means a loss of data. The disk or data is not corrupt and I fail to see why a reprovision would be needed as surely there are ways to correct the fstab file or load manually. before I did the changes I copied the fstab file as fstabsav and have told the hosting company to simply mount manually and copy the file back to fstab. In essence the change was that I removed this line LABEL=/ / ext3 defaults 1 1 Can anyone help and let me know how to resolve this issue without reprovision ? Please only answer if you know the solution and are not just guessing or provding a solution that you think will work. Thanks, Robert.
If they boot your server from a linux live CD, then mount the harddrive and replace the /etc/fstab with your backup, it should work. For me this sounds more that your hosting company dont like to do it and not that it is not possible
they state they have tried mount /dev/sda3 manually but could not and that the disks (even a secondary one) are not accessible and the only option is a reprovision. I do not believe this but what can I do ... I did not pay for support and even after offering to pay for a resolution they still say a reprovision is needed and I will lose data on both disks. All I did was foolishly remove one line from fstab and reboot ... this would not cause the disk not to be accesible. Anyway I have had to agree to a reprovision which will mean a loss of 2 weeks data which is annoying but I can live with it.