Server IP - unable to select or enter

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by paka, Oct 2, 2022.

  1. paka

    paka Member

    Moving servers and created a fresh install of ISPConfitg on a Debian 11 system.

    While attempting to configure the first domain found I was unable to enter the IP address on the Sites -> Web Domain page:


    Then verified the IPs associated with this server were entered and verified correct:


    Finally the IP address in the System tab:


    I've not run into this issue in the past and seem to be at a dead end. Surely I've missed something simple. Any thoughs on where to continue troubleshooting?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    First: Why do you want to use an Ip instead of *? Today, normally one would use only * and not select an IP there anymore.

    Then to the reason for the behavior you described, you missed checking the NameVirtualHost checkbox in the IP settings. But as mentioned earlier, I highly recommend using just * and not adding the IP addresses at all under System > Server IP.
    ahrasis and paka like this.
  3. paka

    paka Member

    Ah, because I first looked at the current ISPConfig install on the original server which had the IP address there. It was installed some years ago and now I understand the change. I shall no longer be concerned about this. Thank you.

    Thanks again for the reason for the behaviour I mentioned. Prior to asking I looked at the prior ISPConfig install and noted that NameVirtualHost checkbox was not ticked and so didn't tick/check it in the new install.

    Per usual I should have know that whatever didn't make sense to me about ISPConfig's behaviour, it's correct in excess of 99% of the time.
    Th0m and ahrasis like this.

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