server with Apache2 / Apache 1.3 (and ISPConfig)

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by akaiser, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. akaiser

    akaiser New Member


    I use Apache 1.3 / PHP 4 on my server because of software compatibility, but I have a script that only runs on Apache2 & PHP5. ISPConfig runs as Apache2/PHP5 on port 81.

    How could I install another apache2/php5 on another port or ip?

    Is there any problem having three apache install running on the same server (AMD Athlon 64 3700+ / 1GB)?
  2. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    ISPConfig runs Apache1.3. So you already have 2 apache versions.

    You need to build/compile a new apache2/php5 instance manually from source. The apache/php websites show detailed instructions how to build from source. Make sure you don't accept the default install directories, but choose your own. Next change the new apache.conf (in your custom directory to listen to a different port. And as a last step, you can do proxy forwarding to masquerade the alternative port.

    It's quite some work...... If it's only one script, maybe updating / modifying that script is easier.
  3. akaiser

    akaiser New Member

    Thanks for the info. I tested this "script" (well it's a groupware programm, so modifying the script will be a lot of work) on the ISPConfig server, but it needs GD to work and I prefer to have the IspConfigServer only working for ISPConfig.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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