Servers Email Address

Discussion in 'General' started by jruyle, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. jruyle

    jruyle New Member

    I have root access to the server we have ISP Config installed, but did not set it up. We have a client who we send out newsletters for and as part of this setup we have a confirmation system for them.

    When we send out the confirmation notice, the reply-to: email address is the servers email address.

    Where is this coming from? We do use the server to send out the newsletters, but I've not had this problem before. Could someone make a suggestion?

    We are using a joomla+acajoom newsletter for this process.
    The server is CentOS and I believe latest stable ISPConfig.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If your newsletter system sends out the confirmation notice, then the replyto address is set by your newsletter system and not ISPConfig.

    You will probaly find some more information about this in the documentation of your newsletter software.

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