Session aware load balance

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by heymrdj, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. heymrdj

    heymrdj Member

    I'm looking at the guide here:

    I was curious...if you have multi NIC's in the system..couldn't you set the entire system up as virtual hosts?

    Three NIC's in a system,,102,103. Load balancer on a VH bound to 101 with a doc root of var/www/load-balancer. Two more Virtual hosts sharing a document root (var/www/bcx3), each bound to a separate IP, 102, and 103. Vhost loadbalancer could be www.bcx3.local, VH 1 and 2 (mirrors) could be www2.bcx3.local and www3.bcx3.local. In my *theory* it should work..but this is all hypothetical. Any thing that seems to say it can't?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    But then you have the full load on just one system which means there's no point in having a load balancer.
  3. heymrdj

    heymrdj Member

    I want to load balance acrossed NIC's. That's my desire. This server is an Athlon X2 4400+ overcloscked to 2.8Ghz, 3GB RAM, and 4 SATA HD's. Power isn't the problem, it's the fact the switches it hooks to are 10/100. So I want to get more than one NIC going. We'll have 4-5 people downloading 6GB ISO's over the network, I want the 200-300mbs up instead of just 100mbs.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    This won't work because all traffic goes though the load balancer (which has a 100mbs NIC) so you'll still have 100mbs. Besides, the load balancer directs the traffic of a user to just one backend server, not to both at the same time.
  5. heymrdj

    heymrdj Member

    If it redirects the user to a backend server, then the connection, ie contents, should come from the backend server you're connected, the loadbalancers job should be done as soon as you create a session with one of the backend servers. And i realise it picks one, but that would be 6 useres split 3 per 100mbs NIC instead of 6 on one.

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