Set up first site

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by bamse, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. bamse

    bamse New Member

    Hello everybody,

    If any of you consider my post trivially simple please ignore it but I would like some help. I have just installed Isp Config 3 on Ubuntu without any problem and everything is working great. My plan is to put a website and mail for a small company on the web. I want to use Isp because I plan to put up some more sites in the future.

    I bought the domain and set up the domainserver on the domain administration interface. Now I am stuck. I don't know where to start to set up the DNS, the domain, the zones.

    I wasn't able to find any documentation on how to do this in Isp Config 3. An classic how to would be great but I wasn't able to find one. If anyone has the time to give me some starting points, maybe some directions it would be great. Maybe there is anothere thread that can help me with this.

    Considering there is more documentation for Isp Config 2, do you thing I should try this one first?

    Thank you.
  2. improvateit

    improvateit New Member

    Dont know if this will help...

    I am also new to ISP Config 3.0. So I am not sure this will help.

    We running MyDNS and are able to configure everything via ISP Config when you login as admin (or if your configured as a reseller/clinet). The DNS entries can be made in ISP Config 3... Just lookout for the DNS tab.

    Just a tip... ISP Config has been upgraded to I am finding it much more stable with the DNS that the previous one. Previously we had to restart MyDNS almost everytime when we added a new site. Now the server works like a bomb!
  3. bamse

    bamse New Member

    I installed ISP Config It really works great. I created a client, a reseller, a site, a ZONE, but it doesn't seem to work as I want them to. What would help me is the right order to do things so they work properly.
  4. improvateit

    improvateit New Member

    Tab Orders

    Yeah! It was really confusing at first!

    The order of the tabs should be Client -> DNS -> Sites -> FTP -> Email...

    I am busy moving lots of sites onto my new server and it can be quite annoying.

    Anyways... Hope you enjoy ISP Config as much as I do...
  5. mbunal

    mbunal New Member

    i tihnk u must create a reseller firstly. and then reseller's client. and client's site and site's dns email etc.

    i think...
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    Last edited: Sep 8, 2011
  6. ivomendonca

    ivomendonca Banned

    Start Using ispconfig.

    I think you shoud read how a Dns System work and how a website work (in general).
    You just need to create a website and a Dns Wizard to ispconfig start working. Is very easy.
    But you will need to redirect and register dns servers outside ispconfig to make this work. (on godaddy for example.)
    To many variables to give you a direct way.
    The second part is install ispconfig 100%, and you have to know linux well.
    Somewone can correct me if im wrong, thats my way to do this kind of work.

    You can also try other Free Panels like DTC or ispomega to learn, in my opinion this is the most dificult to start, but the most stable to use.

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