Setting up a customer SSL site

Discussion in 'General' started by catdude, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. catdude

    catdude New Member

    I've set up a bunch of customers under ISPConfig. I've also manually configured a lot of SSL customer sites under Apache2. But I've never configured an SSL site within ISPConfig.

    I've gone into the site configuration, checked "SSL" in the "basis" tab, and I now have an "SSL" tab appearing. When I go to that tab I see entry fields labeled "SSL Request" and "SSL Certificate". I assume that I use the server key in /root/ispconfig/httpd/conf/ssl.key and do the following:
    1) Generate a private key for the domain I'm configuring
    2) Create a CSR from that private key
    3) Send the CSR to a cert issuing authority
    4) When I get a cert back, paste the CSR into the "SSL Request" text box and the cert into the "SSL Certificate" text box. If I then save the cert info, will ISPConfig add the appropriate port 443 stanzas to the Apache config file?
  2. wpwood3

    wpwood3 New Member


    On my server you can see them in /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/Vhosts_ispconfig.conf
  3. catdude

    catdude New Member

    Excellent; thanks for confirming that.

    Now for the next question. I've got three IP address assigned to this server. One of them is the address I've got ISPConfig listening to/answering on. SInce this customer needs SSL, I assume I ought to assign one of the other two addresses to his domain by creating another server entry in ISPConfig.

    I see where I can enter another IP address under Management/Server/Settings. When I do a database dump and examine the records I see the new IP address in the isp_server and isp_server_ip records, but it's still set to server_id of 1. Should this in fact be server_id 2?

    Do I need to do something different to create a second server instance? I am experimenting with this with a domain I own and use for test purposes for now.
  4. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

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