Setting Up A Highly Available NFS Server - Quesion

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by c4rdinal, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. c4rdinal

    c4rdinal New Member


    I'm trying the Howto for Setting Up A Highly Available NFS Server.

    At the install DRBD portion I got stuck. Here's the error:

    linux:~# apt-get install kernel-headers-2.6.8-2-386 drbd0.7-module-source drbd0.7-utils
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree... Done
    E: Couldn't find package kernel-headers-2.6.8-2-386

    I googled for the latest kernel-headers and found this:

    linux-kernel-headers (2.6.18-7)

    Is this package the same? Would there be any dependency issues on the drb package? If not any idea where can I have go to find it?

    I'm new with Debian; just switched from Fedora. ;)
    I'm still getting to know the distro.

    Anyway, can anyone point me to the right direction? Also, how can I explore the package contents from the cd or from the Debian sources in the net?

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The tutorial was written for Debian Sarge, and you're probably using the current Debian version, Etch. Therefore some of the packages in the tutorial might be a little bit out-of-date.
    You can search for current packages like this:
    apt-cache search [I]search_string[/I]
    apt-cache search linux-kernel-headers

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