Setup Instructions For Primary ISP Site

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by thecgmguy, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. thecgmguy

    thecgmguy New Member

    Hi Guys,

    I'm extremely new to ISPConfig (just installed it 20 minutes ago) so you'll have to bear with me. How exactly to I setup the main ISP site? Lets say that I own takes me to ISPConfig... takes me to the apache welcome screen. How do I upload and manage THAT site? What's the FTP location? Do I need to add the site again? Is it somewhere I'm missing?

    What are the FTP credentials for accessing it? Root user?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) Create a client in ISPConfig.
    2) Create a website in ISPConfig for Make sure that you select the correct IP address, if your server is behind a router, you must select the internal IP.
    After you created a website, you can create users under this webste.

    You might also want to have a look at the manuals.

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