setup up domain and sub-domains

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by itgroup, May 27, 2006.

  1. itgroup

    itgroup New Member

    I can not seem to find my answer on your forum. I have only just started to use ISP Config and have spent two days reading the manual and messing around with it. ISP Config is all installed, however I am not quite sure how to achieve what I want.
    Basically, I have my own domain that works perfectly on my own web server. I also have 35 other domains that I have for my customers (that I do their webdesign etc) and these are currently hosted at a third part web hosting company on their linux boxes. This has been like this for five years and every year, I have to pay themfor hosting my customers domains. Then I saw ISP config, and I thought - Wow! this means I can host ALL my customers domains on my Server here - but.... I just cannot work out how to do it. I get stuck at the IP address section.

    My setup is fairly basic. I have a permanent DSL connection to the internet. My DSL router forwards all packets to a Watchguard Firewall, which forwards the usual web ports to the web server (80,25,110 etc...). My Web server has two Network cards - - external card and Internal .

    When I try to create a new 'virtual site' - i only have the option of assigning or When I assign the 192 address, my apache log shows error: /var/www/sharedip/ not available.
    I have created a third (virtual) IP address eth1:0 of, however this does NOT appear in the list within ISP Config.

    I don't know if I am making myself clear - I hope so.. Basically, I just want to store 35 domains AND run my existing Web Server all on the same box.
    The manuals pretty much to me just tell you how to operate the interface, not setup virtual domains step-by-step. can anyone help with simple instructions?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the output of
    ls -l /var/www/sharedip

    Can you explain in more detail your network setup? Maybe you can post a little ASCII drawing here.
    What's your router's internal IP address? What about the IP address(es) of that Watchguard Firewall?

    You must add it there manually, or you must enable ISPConfig's automatic network configuration feature in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/ and then add the IP address in ISPConfig, and ISPConfig will then add the IP address to your network configuration automatically.
  3. itgroup

    itgroup New Member

    network setup

    Hi Falko,
    thanks for the quick reply.

    Ok, output of ls -l /var/www/sharedip is:

    total 4
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1155 May 26 23:50 index.html

    My network configuration goes like this:

    Public IP which is assigned statically to my DSL router when connected to the Internet. This resolves to

    DSL Router ip is: this forwards all web ports (80, 25, 110, 143 , etc)to is our web server - via a Watchguard firewall.

    Watchguard firewall has ip address: (and trusted network for our internal setup

    Web server has two Network interfaces. External: and Internal DNS Server is setup locallly, with forwarders to Gateway is

    Outside world views our web server ( via Internet to DSL router, through Watchguard to Web Box.
    Inside Network has hosts entry

    Web server has been running this way for many years successfully.

    Since my post, i was thinking. I setup my CentOS box as per your 'perfect' instructions - with the exception of the mailserver - as we are already running Keriomailserver successfully on our Web Server. However, it appears that ISP Config looks like it is supposed to be done BEFORE you setup your own domain name? I think I saw another post with a similiar problem and someone advised him to delete ISPConfig and then re-install it , but do NOT enter the domain name, just leave it blank or use localhost or something? Is this right, maybe that is my problem?

    Looking at it more closely, if I had done that - having 'localhost' as the main server, I could setup as the main domain, and then setup all my other 35 as 'co-domains' underneath. Would that be right?
    thanks in advance.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Dont use localhost as main server domain, better use someting like your and then setup a website for in ISPConfig.

    Another question is, did you tweak the ISPConfig installer or how did you manage to install ISPConfig without having postfix or sendmail installed on your server? Keriomailserver is not an supported mailserver in ISPConfig.
  5. itgroup

    itgroup New Member


    Hi Till,
    thank you for the reply. I will uninstall and try again with your recommendations. In answer to you question, I installed 'custom' install, mainly because I wanted to define the web root as /var/www I still have sendmail installed with a symbollic link to the sendmail that kerio uses - works just fine. Can 'mail' from command line ok.
    Will let you know - thanks again for you help.
  6. itgroup

    itgroup New Member


    Hi Guys,
    well, that seem to have done the trick - almost. I can now use and it works just fine. I put just one sub-domain - (yes, I know it is similar..) as a co-domain forward itg (which in the scale of things is /var/www/html/itg)
    The only problem is - this works fine, but.. in the address bar, instead of saying it resolves to

    So, can you please tell me how (with the setup that I have), when someone types it appears in the address bar of their browswer instead of ?

    Once i fix that, then I can put all the other domains in the same way. It is just it does not look very good and I want it to appear silent to my customers.
    thanks in advance.
  7. itgroup

    itgroup New Member

    PHP Errors now

    Hi Guys,
    sorry, found another error... I use modernbill for my billing. I noticed when I installed ISPConfig it appeared to 'break' my PHP installation. I could not longer display .php extension files. So, I rpm-e --nodeps php and then yum install php , I then (since I am using ZEND), delete the new php.ini file, rename the php.ini.rpmsave file to php.ini (which is a symbolic link to the Zend php install), restarted httpd and ispconfig_server and all worked again - php pages showed just fine.

    Now, I started testing a few things. If you go to and select 'signup' for any package, you will go to the first of a five page ordering system. First page works just fine. You put in your State at the bottom (say NSW) and select Country - Australia. There are two options at the bottom, 'I am a new customer' and ' add this to my account'. No matter which one you choose - (leave the default - 'I am a new customer') and click continue - you recieve an ISPConfig error page - when you should recieve a page to enter all your details.

    When I test the page internally - it works just fine- I receive customer details page. So, can you please tell me:

    why would ispconfig install 'break' my existing php installation anyway.. but more importantly, how can I get this page working again please? I have tried going into 'site manager' within ISPConfig control panel and ticking the 'php safe mode' - but no difference.

    Hope this makes sense.
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This disabled the ability to manage PHP settings in ISPConfig. ISPConfig has not broken your PHP installation, ISPConfig disabled PHP parsing because it must be disabled globally to be able to manage it on a per web basis.

    I never seen these options in ISPCOnfig, I guess you refer to a third party software.

    Thats what I posted abve, with reinstalling PHP you broke ISPCOnfigs ability to manage your PHP settings.
  9. itgroup

    itgroup New Member


    Thank you Till for the reply. When you say:

    This disabled the ability to manage PHP settings in ISPConfig. ISPConfig has not broken your PHP installation, ISPConfig disabled PHP parsing because it must be disabled globally to be able to manage it on a per web basis.

    Does this mean if I left ISPconfig that way that it was (with php pages not displaying) and then went ahead and created my web within ISPConfig and ticked the 'php' box, they would then work please?

    Also, did you think of a way to 'hide' the URL in my other question above?

    many thanks for you speed replies - they are much appreicated.
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, right.

    Unfortunately, this is not possible the way ISPConfig uses rewrite rules.
  11. itgroup

    itgroup New Member


    Hi Falko,
    thank you for speed reply. So, if it is impossible to 'hide' the co-domain in the URL, then would I be correct in saying that the only way I can achieve what I am trying to do (host my customers 35 domains), would be to setup individual Web sites within ISPConfig?

    One other question I had on PHP Please. If I do the default install of ISPConfig, and leave php the way it is - then 'tick' the box to allow a web site to use php parsing, can I then use Zend optimiser? Or is that built into ISPConfig. If it is not built in, do I just install Zend in the normal way, BUT point the install to the ISPConfig php.ini file please?

  12. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can forward your Co-Domains to /, and then the URL will switch back to the main domain of the web site.

    Of course you can use the Zend Optimizer. You can configure your PHP however you like it. Don't mix it up with ISPConfig's PHP. ISPConfig's PHP is used only for ISPConfig, not for your regular web sites.
    You must edit the normal php.ini file, not ISPConfig's php.ini file.
  13. itgroup

    itgroup New Member


    Thank you Falko for your reply.

    One other question that I have (sorry) is httpd.conf

    when you install ISPConfig, does it read your existing httpd values, or just ignore them and add ISPConfig section at the bottom? The reason I ask, is that I am unsure what the 'standard' httpd conf file should be before loading ISPConfig. You see, I have a working web site (as I have mentioned) with virtual hosts. Is it better to wipe the existing Web site and setup httpd.conf back to standard vanilla install BEFORE loading ISPConfig? It appears so, as there are duplicate values in there.

    I still do not quite understand the co-domains thing that you explained. If I have the luxury of starting from the beggining with 35 domains. Do I just set them up, one at a time in ISPConfig, or do I setup ONE domain, with 35 co-domains?
    thank you.
  14. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The ISPConfig installer adds a section right at the end of httpd.conf.

    Yes, that would be better.

    It depends on what you want to do. If all 35 domains should point to the same web site, set them up as Co-Domains. If each domain is for a web site of its own, then set up 35 different web sites in ISPConfig.

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