[SOLVED]Shared IP somedomain I have correctly configured with isp mail accounts running well but when I go to http://somedomain.tld leaves message >> "This is a shared IP. To access the page you are looking between the domain name instead of IP, Please contact the administrator of the system if you have doubts" shows default index.html file located in /var/www/sharedip, could fix this problem? is a common problem? thank you in advance!
cat Vhosts_ispconfig.conf: NameVirtualHost <VirtualHost> ServerName localhost ServerAdmin root@localhost DocumentRoot /var/www/sharedip </VirtualHost> ###################################### # Vhost: www.test.net:80 ###################################### # # <VirtualHost> SuexecUserGroup test.net.info web4 ServerName www.test.net:80 ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot /var/www/web4/web ServerAlias test.net #ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:01:80:6A9:BD inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
And neither www.test.net nor test.net are working? Does your router forward port 80 to the correct IP (
port 80 not opened because the site unique role in local with a time of drupal. Whenever I try to access the web from another local computer on the network.
[SOLVED]Shared IP somedomain solved, the problem was a change in ISPConfig>> manager isp>> hostname>> 'www' remove and put the host name, which in my case is called 'hosting' and works perfectly. thanks for your help Falko