Shopware - Language

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by gachnar, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. gachnar

    gachnar New Member

    Does anyone know of a good place to find english documentation with regards to this e-store? I've tried finding something with regards to this, but no luck. I was trying to find a way to compare this with OXID, but I need to find documentation I can look over and make a more effective comparison. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I'm afraid all documentation is in German so far. But since their latest product Shopware 4 also supports English, there is hope maybe that they will create a documentation in English as well. Until then, you could try to use Google Translate.
  3. gachnar

    gachnar New Member

    Shopware Documentation

    Crap, that's what I was afraid of. Was really hoping there would be some english docs out there. I might be a pretty regular poster here in regards to this project. I've had a need for something like this for some time, but didn't want to suffer "Vendor Lock-In" so to speak. Really helps to have multiple things to compare against. Look forward to future posts.

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