Hello Community, I'm new to ISPconfig and I set up a Server (Debian 11) with ISP. I configured that i get a mail, if someone logs in as root. Because of the cronjob for "/usr/local/ispconfig/server/server.sh" i get every minute a mail. So, what does this script do? What is it important for? - R314
This script is responsible for everything that you configure in ISPConfig and it must be run once a minute as root cronjob.
Wow, thanks for that quick reply! Okay..so I have to find another solution for my requirements. Thanks!
Yes, you should check your login detection script why it gets triggered by cronjobs too which are not doing a login. The ISPConfig server.sh job runs ". /etc/profile" and in case you have your login detection in there or in a script executed by /etc/profile, then this would explain the false login alerts.