Should Hetzner also offer ISPConfig?

Discussion in 'General' started by falko, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    [German forum: "Hetzner goes SysCP" ]

    Since a few weeks, Hetzner is offering prebuilt server images with SysCP. Of course, we are not very happy with that decision and would have preferred to see Hetzner offer ISPConfig instead.

    We have contacted Hetzner, and according to them, in the end it was a decision between SysCP and ISPConfig. What they also said is that it is possible that they offer a second control panel (maybe ISPConfig?) in the future.

    So if you are a Hetzner customer and would like to see prebuilt images with ISPConfig, you should contact their support and ask for ISPConfig (but please be polite and don't spam them as this might be counterproductive). As Hetzner is one of the few hosters that actually cares about its customers, this might lead them to reconsider their decision.

    Thanks a lot! :)
  2. Been Told

    Been Told Member

    I'll send a support mail tonight. My reaction to that announcement was the same. I really don't see why they would choose SysCP over ISPconfig with ISPconfig being the superior control panel.
    Thanks for the idea though. For some reason I never thought of suggesting ISPconfig to Hetzner.
  3. pruss

    pruss New Member

    Missing manual

    As soon as a manual is available for version 3 I will also support that idea.
  4. sighkick

    sighkick New Member

    Missing Manual

    + 1 for that How To Manual for ISPConfig 3 - they say that patience is a virtue but I am rarin' to go..... :rolleyes:
  5. Makis77

    Makis77 New Member

    I m new here and this is one of the 1st posts i ve read.
    I m using hetzner as well and tried to work with syscp.

    10 days after i apt-get autoremove it and installed ispconfig3 which i m trying to use for now.

    First look says that isp is more user friendly and has more options over dns control so for now i m satisfied with ispc3 and i recommend everyone at hetzner to try it.
  6. admins

    admins Member

    I've contacted a hetzner system engineer.

    He said following:

    I't a must have for them:
    - Possibility for creating paswort protected folders in the ispconfig panel.
    - WebFtp in the controlpanel
    and a possibility for the customers to backup their data (Mail, Web an Database) and a possibility to restore the data

    If you integrat this in the next version, they'll test it an the chance is big that they add this to their portfolio.

  7. Been Told

    Been Told Member

    Isn't WebFTP a feature in ispConfig 2 already?
  8. admins

    admins Member

    I mean ISPConfig 3. Ther it isnt a WebFTP included.

  9. SamTzu

    SamTzu Active Member

    Me, me, me...

    I'm using this post to unshamefully advertise our Virtual Private Servers that can come with ISPConfig3 support. :)

    PS. I want to thank everyone on this site for making ISPConfig happen. We are changing the world... as we speak.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2011
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Just a short note on this topic, there is a first big hosting company offering preinstalled images with ISPConfig 3 now while hetzner seems still not be interested in working with the ISPConfig project on such an image.

    The hosting company OVH, which is the largest hosting provider in France (as far as I heard, correct me if I'am wrong :) ), offers now a preinstalled ISPConfig 3 image.

    OVH is also offering these images in the UK and in Germany.
  11. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    Congratulations to the ISPconfig team!
  12. Been Told

    Been Told Member

    Congratulations! :)
    If I remember right, OVH is sort of the same league as Hetzner isn't it? I really hope Hetzner is gonna have a change of heart!
  13. jon

    jon Member

    SysCP (in my opinion) is dead now anyway. After one developer left for various reasons there hasn't been any updates.

    I'd been running it in production, and now am left migrating people to ISPConfig3 (so far so great).
  14. SamTzu

    SamTzu Active Member

    Hosting it all...

    We have been looking in to what is the best way to offer hosting/virtualisation solutions for SOHO companies and guess what? Almost none of the hosting companies we have looked at allow or have an easy way to migrate KVM/OpenVZ Virtual Machines across internet. Currently we run most of our VM's on ProxMox because it's by far the simplest and most stable platform we have tested. For live migrations and/or live backup's it's perfect. (LVM2 comes by default with ProxMox.) Most of the hosting companies who offer Debian that could be turned in to ProxMox do not roll out their Debian distros with LVM2 under the hood.

    So how do you turn your hosted server in to ProxMox host (or similar) with easy virtualisation cabapility?

    The easy answer is... You don't.

    I intend to fix that little problem.
  15. Norman

    Norman Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I've been urging fellow swedish hosting companies to offer ISPConfig 3 :)

    Personally we used to offer ISPconfig 2 for all our customers on dedicated servers, but now we've moved on to ISPconfig 3 considering it's ease of use and stability.

    Some small kinks to work out, but nothing you cant "live" with.
  16. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If you find bugs or have feature requests, please feel frr to post them to the bugtracker or vote for feature requests already listed there.
  17. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    OVH in the Netherlands as well. Please have a look here.
  18. StrikerNL

    StrikerNL New Member

  19. ashleykaryl

    ashleykaryl New Member

    I actually signed up to Hetzner last week and decided I was fed up with paying out every month for Cpanel as I have done for the last three years on my old server.

    After looking around we quite liked the look of Kloxo and decided to install the 64 bit version but it was a big mistake. Kloxo looks good on paper but the 64 bit version isn't ready for prime time and I know the server manager was very disappointed. I am as well because we have lost five days battling with various problems!

    Earlier today we took a joint decision to install ISPconfig 3 and it looks much more stable so I am pretty sure we will be up and running within a day. Regarding Hetzner yes I do think they should offer more options and I'd be happy to fire off an email suggesting they include ISPconfig 3, even though I've already found a bug and I need to have a look now at the tasklist to see if it has been mentioned before.
  20. DaFux

    DaFux New Member

    Move Hetzner, move!

    Well, I am using Hetzner with a couple of servers and there is nothing better than ISPConfig (I am running ISPConfig 2 and 3 on several servers). I have used many other solutions but ISPConfig is the only one which really makes me happy. Slim, efficient and suited to my demands (my requirements are quite high in a few areas, ISPConfig does it all).

    As far as backup is concerned (I understand Hetzner was asking for such a feature) - I am using Tartarus with the Hetzner backup space (a solution they recommend) and I'm very happy with this too.

    So, people at Hetzner, go for ISPConfig, you'll do yourself a favour.

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