simple copy/paste problem

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by cooljai, Feb 21, 2008.

  1. cooljai

    cooljai New Member


    Previously I have worked in Linux systems (fedora, rhel, centOS) where when I select any text with mouse, it will be automatically copied and can be pasted with right click.

    Now I'm using rhel 4 with kde 3.3.x but its not coping while selecting text with mouse and display Menu when Right Click. I dont want this behavior. I have lots of text copy/paste work so please tell me how to configure kde to enable me automatic copy and right click paste.

    Thanks a lot
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I'm no KDE expert, but maybe your KDE version is too old, or it's a RHEL 4 problem.
  3. cooljai

    cooljai New Member

    Thanks falko for the reply.

    I have switched to Gnome but found similar problem there also, so, better to upgrade my system now..:)

    well, can you please advise me what should I prefer amoung CentOS 5.1 and Fedora 8? I have both in DVDs. My main work is to monitor/configure remote servers and perform day to day desktop work.

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Out of these two, I'd use Fedora. It's more up-to-date, comes with more packages and has better hardware support. But overall, I'd use Ubuntu.
  5. cooljai

    cooljai New Member


    I'm still out of luck. I've formatted and installed newer CentOS 5 in my system with updated kde but still I cant paste with right click nor copy text while select. The same is happening in Fedora also.

    anybody, can please point something in this regard as how can I configure my CentOS box to copy the text as I select it and paste it on right click.
  6. daveb

    daveb Member

    Dont know if this will work on centos but works on debian.
    for copy
    and for paste
  7. cooljai

    cooljai New Member

    thanks buddy for a reply. but that's not what I'm looking for. I know the shortcuts such as Ctrl+Ins for copy and Shift+Del for paste from keyboard.

    What I am thinking about the ability to copy text automatically as soon as you select it (with mouse) and paste it with right click.

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