Simple Question: CentOS Server

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by destinedjagold, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. destinedjagold

    destinedjagold New Member

    Hello everyone, it's me again.
    I just have a simple question that I need confirmation of.
    I have searched through Google, but I am not really that convinced yet.

    Anyway, I have created a server, CentOS 6.3.
    From another computer, I can access its pages by typing the server's IP address in the web browser, since the server and the computer I am using is on the same LAN connection.

    My question is, if I want the server to be accessed by it's hostname, either through a computer with the same LAN connection, or outside, do I need to register it online?

    Thanks pipz~
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes. You can get a free hostname from

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