Ok, I have ISPconfig setup and am hosting quite a few email domains on it. I have a client who wants to use secure email and have signed up with McAfee secure email. I need to be able to route ONLY this clients outgoing mail to the mcafee servers without affecting the other users outgoing mail or any of the incoming email to this server. Help? Shane
Do not add the domain as email domain, instead you add a mail routing (transport) for that domain in ispconfig. then you add the email addresses or @domain.tld in the relay domain list in the mail module.
The mailboxes for this domain have been hosted here for a long time. Are you saying I need to remove the mailboxes, have them hosted elsewhere? Sorry just not completely following what I should do if the email domain has mailboxes already hosted on this server.
Ok, thats something different. You asked to reroute the email traffic for a domain, having mailboxes for the same domain that you want to reroute the traffic for does not make much sese though. so either you host the mailboxes for this domain in this server, then you wont reroute the traffic or you dont host them and route the traffic. Both together makes no sense as no email will go into the mailboxes anymore when you route the traffic on smtp level to another server. So basically you want to route traffc for a single email address and not for a domain?
Ok - I don't think I explained it right maybe? I have customer X (hisdomain.com) who has mailboxes on our server and is completely hosted there. The only thing I want to do is change how his (hisdomain.com) outbound mail is routed. So instead of routing out like all the other clients on this server who have mailboxes I want him to be able to route out through a smarthost that is going to be filtering for secure email. ALL inbound mail will remain the same and be hosted on this server. I should have written it that way to begin with, sorry! Shane
I guess that you ares eeking for sender_dependent_relayhost_maps.Thats kind of special config which you have to make in postfix main.cf directly. http://serverfault.com/questions/598880/postfix-relay-to-multiple-servers-and-multiple-users
Maybe this will Help? https://www.howtoforge.com/communit...to-smarthost-a-all-else-to-smarthost-b.62955/