Site for Hostname

Discussion in 'General' started by dclardy, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. dclardy

    dclardy Member

    I just set up an ISPConfig 3 server on Debian as a development server for me, and I am running into an issue. I am trying to set a site for the hostname of the site. It is It is just showing the it works site. I would like for it show me munin.

    Any ideas on why this is not working? I deleted and readded the site, but it did not help.


    Also, I am glad to be back. It has been awhile since I have been in the forums, but it is great to see that ISPConfig is going strong.
  2. Ghostdare

    Ghostdare Member

    I think that you must put your files directly in /var/www (i did that on my server not to show "It's works!" - actually I've modified the index.html) or create a redirect from to
  3. dclardy

    dclardy Member

    While, I can do that. I am not sure that is how it is supposed to work. If I have a site setup for the hostname, the vhost should be read.

    Another ideas? Do I need to delete the default vhost?

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Is used anywhere else in your Apache configuration? What are the outputs of
    hostname -f
  5. dclardy

    dclardy Member

    Those commands show
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Ok, you can either change the hostname, or you set a ServerName in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.

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