Site name already in use

Discussion in 'General' started by pjdevries, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. pjdevries

    pjdevries Member

    First I createad DNS entries from the DNS Manager menu for domain.tld. Then I tried to create the site www.domain.tld from the ISP Manager menu. I clicked "New site" and entered www.domain.tld for the Title and www and domain.tld for the Hostname and Domain respectively. I then clicked the tab "User & Email" followed by "New" to create an administrative user. I entered all the neccessary information and clicked "Save". At that moment I got an error message that had something to do with the Web Space, if I recall correctly. Unfortunately I didn't record the exact message :eek:

    Back on the ISP Manager page there was not a trace of the newly created site. So I tried to create it once again, but this time I got the message "The name www.domain.tld is already in use by another site or domain". I checked my /var/www directory but no directories were created, so my guess is that I have an inconsistent database now.

    Is it possible to correct that and if yes, how?
  2. mlz

    mlz Member

    There is really no reason to create the DNS entries before the web site, as ISPConfig will create the DNS for you. You might try removing the DNS entries (remember to empty the recycle bin!) and then attempt to create the website.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The error means that you already created the site successfully. Usae the search function in the isp-manager to find the site and then select the folder where you like to store it and hit save.
  4. pjdevries

    pjdevries Member

    Thanks for your reply mlz. There is a very good reason for creating DNS entries before creating a web site though: not all domains need a web site. I have several clients who have registered multiple domain names but have only one web site or even no web sites at all (yet). To be able to register a domain name, one must first have valid DNS entries. Of course one could create sites for each and every domain one wants to register, but I prefer not to do so.

    Thank you too Till. I didn't even need the search function to locate the site. The weird thing is that the site is not in (any of) the ISP Mangement folders but in the DNS Manger folder. I can not move it from that folder to any of the ISP Manager folders though. Is there a hidden feature to do that or should I just delete the site and re-create it? Is there no risk for unwanted side effects, considering that I have a web site stuck in a DNS Manger folder? And how do I prevent the same thing from happening again? Should I first delete my manually created DNS entries before creating a new site?
  5. pjdevries

    pjdevries Member

    By the way Till. There weren't any web site directories created, so how can you be so sure that the site was successfully created?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Are you really sure thet it is a site that is in the dns manager and not just a dns record? If I remember the sources correctly, I'am pretty sure that it is impossible that a site is stored in dns maneger. The dns manager uses another database table for the records then the isp manager and the table names are hardcoded.
  7. pjdevries

    pjdevries Member

    Yes, I'm very sure. In the DNS Manger I have both a domain.tld domain and a www.domain.tld site. When I click on domain.tld I get the DNS Entry form and when I click on www.domain.tld I get the ISP Web form. So I guess something is messed up, isn't it? Any suggestions how to repair it?
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thats really strange. Please delete the site, wait a few minutes and empty the recycle bin in the dns-manager and isp-manager. then create the site again in ISP-Manager.
  9. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator


    Maybe u stupid question, but are you really sure that there are no left items within one of your recycle bins?
  10. pjdevries

    pjdevries Member

    First of all I checked the recycle bins of both ISP Manager and DNS Manager and they were both empty. Then I deleted www.domain.tld from DNS Manager. After a few minutes I opened the recycle bin and it showed 1 item: DNS-Eintrag: This is strange for two reasons:
    1. Although the web site was stored under the DNS Manager it behaved like a web site (it shows the ISP Site form when clicking it) but in the recycle bin it shows up as a DNS Entry :confused:
    2. The message is in German while I have my language set to English :D
    Unfortunately, no matter how many times I click the "Empty recycle bin" link, the item remains in the DNS Manager recycle bin. The ISP Manger recycle bin remains empty by the way.
  11. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    This must be the reason why you received the error message, which says that the domain already exists.

    It is not a normal behaviour that you can't empy your recycle bin...:confused:
  12. pjdevries

    pjdevries Member

    I agree. It's not normal behaviour that I got the first error message when trying to create the site in the first place. I think it's also not normal behaviour that the site ended up in the DNS Manager folder. So my guess is that I have an inconsistent database. The question now is: how do I correct that?
  13. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Probably, there is a possibility to correct it with phpMyAdmin, but please ask Till for advise, what to do.

    If you change some items within phpMyAdmin, it is possible that you damage the integrity of the database!
  14. pjdevries

    pjdevries Member

    I'll try to be patient and wait for his expert advice :)
  15. pjdevries

    pjdevries Member

    Any suggestions Til? I would very much like to enable this web site for my client.
  16. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please write down the doc_id of the database row and then delete it from isp_isp_web with phpmyadmin.
  17. pjdevries

    pjdevries Member

    I'm not quite sure why you want me to write down the doc_id of the database row. Just to be on the safe side, I appreciate it if you can confirm that the only thing I have to do, is: delete the record from table isp_isp_web that has www in the web_host field and domain.tld in the web_domain field and a d in the status field, which I assume means it's deleted. So no other tables are involved?

    By the way: I guess there still isn't a database schema available?
  18. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, just delete this record.
  19. pjdevries

    pjdevries Member

    I deleted the record and tried to create the site once more. This time I got the following error message:
    You do not have the necessary privileges to read or edit this entry.​
    When I tried it again, I got the familiar message:
    The name www.domain.tld is already in use by another site or domain.​
    Once again the site ended up in the DNS Manager folder. So I deleted the record again and in the process got an idea. I realised that up to now I didn't pick a specific folder to store the site in, but left it on the default "admin" folder. So I gave it another try but this time I selected the folder "Sites". Guess what: the site was created without any errors.

    So there seems to be a bug which only shows it's ugly face when you try to create a site for an existing domein and store it in the "admin" folder. Maybe you can solve it with this bit of extra information.
  20. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Storing the records in the admin folder works for me, I tested it in several installations. Maybe some table relations in your database are broken.

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