I have free hosting project where I would like to track each website monthly or any X days unique visits and if visits are less then X per period I would inform user about website closure. Now, I use goaccess for each user. My few thoughts: 1. Save each website goaccess log data in separate folder from clients data. Kinda duplicate of log files, just with longer retention period than users. 2. Somehow utilize users goaccess db without duplicating log files. 3. Send remotely log files in separate server dedicated for log processing. How would YOU done this task? What's your ideas?
Create a script that grab each site visit's log, then auto email to admin and users whether it is within or below expectation, with automated contents as well as the closure of such site with the same script if you like.
My final idea was to attach to the log rotation process and invoke hook "prerotate" to count visits for each. But in my surprise ISPC handles log rotation in non-standard way... And this is whole new can of worms :-/