sites displaying without www

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by cybereatl, Feb 28, 2006.

  1. cybereatl

    cybereatl Member

    Hi folks,

    I didn't get an answer form godaddy so I decided to reset settings and seems to be working, now am able to read emails so far.

    In the mean time I tryed to enter to and come out page can not be displayed but just now I entered: and site comes up.

    Will be a problem with alias to don't come out with www or later will do it??

    Also a I have change the values from all lines containing Php safe mode: On to Off and restart apache without success, I've tried rebooting server but still not goes off !!!

    What do you guys think?

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2006
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Do you have a co-domain in the website
  3. brainz

    brainz Member

    Hi Guys,

    I dont know but with my limited knowledge i did notice this as part of the installation howto guide or instructions....

    Im wondering if this could be your the problem with your domain not having a www where it is marked in red.

  4. cybereatl

    cybereatl Member

    There is no co-domains assigned yet, But I have check seetings on ISPConfig and I found that my NetMask wasn't like I entered should end in 248 and was 0.

    Also I have added another ip for

    The Co-domain option I didn't touch it, but host spot was empty for host. it shows IP address and that's it.

    I've also checked some info in Server / Settings adding proper ns1 and ns2 ip address also selecting Default MX.

    I hope that this changes will help the system to propagate and display correctly this sites, email is working ok, no more emai bouncing so far.
    Please try out this sites to see if you can see any one or none of them: or or or or or

    Thanks guys!!!
  5. cybereatl

    cybereatl Member

    Thanks for reply, all domains contain www, the main issue was trying to add an A record so the nameservers were pointing another server reason why all sites are not showing.

    So far I got one working but all other are not, but email is working for all domains I've sent emails to yahoo and hotmail and those were received ok.

  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  7. cybereatl

    cybereatl Member

    Thanks, I'll check the DNS records for the other domains.

    Still not able to make Safe_Mode: off ,here si the php.ini file so you can take a look if I mess something. I also have sql.safemode: off but with not results.


    Attached Files:

  8. cybereatl

    cybereatl Member

    I've checked my DNS settings and add it to each domain DNS, here is the screen shot of the server


    Attached Files:

  9. cybereatl

    cybereatl Member

    More problems I think that is regarding safe mode:
    What do you think:

    Warning: Smarty error: problem creating directory '/home/www/web1/web' in /home/www/web1/web/remoto/class/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1115

    Warning: Smarty error: problem writing temporary file '/home/www/web1/web/remoto/class/../compile/%%196/%%1964540384/4405ed8b1ce00' in /home/www/web1/web/remoto/class/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1115

    Warning: Smarty::fetch() [function.fetch]: Unable to access /home/www/web1/web/remoto/class/../compile/%%196/%%1964540384/setup.tpl.php in /home/www/web1/web/remoto/class/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1279

    Warning: Smarty::fetch(/home/www/web1/web/remoto/class/../compile/%%196/%%1964540384/setup.tpl.php) [function.fetch]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/web1/web/remoto/class/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1279

    Warning: Smarty::fetch() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/www/web1/web/remoto/class/../compile/%%196/%%1964540384/setup.tpl.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /home/www/web1/web/remoto/class/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1279
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please try:

    chmod 777 /home/www/web1/web/remoto/compile
  11. cybereatl

    cybereatl Member

    I just did with no sucess!!!

    Am pretty sure that is related to php safe mode, but as you can see on the file all is off.!!!

  12. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you disable PHP Safe Mode in ISPConfig for that web site?
  13. cybereatl

    cybereatl Member

    Where are those files: is not in /etc/php.ini ???

    Now that you mention that every site has that file!!!
  14. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Falko does not talk about a file. There is a checkbox "PHP Safemode" on the form with the website settings in ISPConfig. This sets php_admin_flag values in the vhost configuration of the website.
  15. cybereatl

    cybereatl Member

    Hi till,

    Yes you were right, I went to modify settings in site and from them works!!!

    Now I got a question about the installation language for example spanish accents shown as weird items.

    Do I need to install any language support for spanish?? I've checked on package installation and it's not there!!

    From where I can download spanish package for Fedora Core 4?

    What do you think??

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2006
  16. Joffar

    Joffar New Member

    Looks like your site has a char setting that doesnt support spanish letters, you probably have to change the charset to utf-8 or something that supports spanish special chars. you can set this for apache, mysql, php in their respective conf file. and i would think that you can do the same in ISPconfig config.php file?
  17. cybereatl

    cybereatl Member

    I've changed that charset in /etc/php.ini from "iso-8859-1" and went to check in /etc/httpd/httpd.conf and chrset is UTB-8.

    I have rebooted the server and went back to site and problems remains.

  18. Joffar

    Joffar New Member

    It is probably the web page that is coded diffrently that is causing this...
  19. cybereatl

    cybereatl Member

    Well as far that am able to work i'll proceed and ignore this items, proceeding performig installations I have found several errors when writting or creating folders on new installation like this:

    Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/database.php on line 320

    Warning: fopen(/home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/../cache/hcl_operators/3562bdf926f08bc893bfa8040436d667.dbc) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/database.php on line 322

    Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/database.php on line 320

    Warning: fopen(/home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/../cache/hcl_operators/7f253dd1359d31eaa249ce5d9dc25235.dbc) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/database.php on line 322

    Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/database.php on line 320

    Warning: fopen(/home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/../cache/hcl_notes/4195a67afca62760c36a82e4c974197e.dbc) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/database.php on line 322

    Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/database.php on line 320

    Warning: fopen(/home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/../cache/hcl_operators/7f253dd1359d31eaa249ce5d9dc25235.dbc) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/database.php on line 322

    Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/database.php on line 320

    Warning: fopen(/home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/../cache/hcl_notes/4195a67afca62760c36a82e4c974197e.dbc) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/database.php on line 322

    Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/database.php on line 320

    Warning: fopen(/home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/../cache/hcl_operators/8c71fce2d98ab4ddb1f7bd53ec7b9aea.dbc) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/database.php on line 322

    I really don't know what can be add it to the system without having that much errors on every installation.

  20. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Either the webserver has not the permission to write to this directory: /home/www/web1/web/soporte/class/../cache or you will have to disable PHP safemode in the site settings.

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